Flutter Charset Detector | Coderz Product


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flutter charset detector

flutter_charset_detector #
Automatically detect and decode the charset (character encoding) of text bytes.

The example app; details
This plugin uses native libraries derived from the universal charset detection
libraries created by Mozilla.

iOS, macOS:
UniversalDetector2, a thin
wrapper around uchardet
juniversalchardet, a Java
implementation of universalchardet
Web: jschardet, a JavaScript port of the
Python chardet

Supported platforms #

Android 4.1 (SDK 16) and higher
iOS 11 and higher
macOS 10.14 and higher
Web (requires TextDecoder support)

Supported charsets #
The detectable charsets differ by platform according to the capabilities of the
underlying library; for specifics see:

iOS, macOS

Usage #
import 'package:flutter_charset_detector/flutter_charset_detector.dart';

Uint8List bytes = getBytes(); // bytes with unknown encoding
DecodingResult result = CharsetDetector.autoDecode(bytes);
print(result.charset); // => e.g. 'SHIFT_JIS'
print(result.string); // => e.g. '日本語'
copied to clipboard
See also #

charset_converter if you already
know the name of the charset you want to encode/decode


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