Flutter In App Pip | Coderz Repository


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flutter in app pip

In App PiP for Flutter #
A Flutter Package to help easily implement in-app PiP(Picture in Picture) in a flutter application.
Written completely in dart.
Features #

Easily Implement PiP(Picture in Picture) in app.

Navigatable PiP Widget which allows navigation inside the PiP Window.

Automatically Handle showing different widgets in the original view when in pip and when not in pip.

Provides the ability to update the size of the pip widget later after starting pip.

Provides the ability to set the borders to which pip can be dragged.

Provides the ability to make the window resizable(pinch-in/out).

Provides the ability to make the window non-movable.

Provides the ability to set the initial corner of the PIP window.

Provides the ability to set minimum and maximum size of the PIP window, if resizable.

Getting started #

Import the package.

Replace your MaterialApp with PiPMaterialApp (If using MaterialApp.router, you can replace it with PiPMaterialApp.router).

Optionally provide the pip parameters. These correspond to various parameters such as height and width of your pip widget.

Usage #
After replacing your MaterialApp with PiPMaterialApp, use
PictureInPicture.startPiP(pipWidget: MyPiPWidget());
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to start PiP view in your app.
When you wish to stop PiP, use
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Use PiPWidget for additional functionalities like handling events on close of pip e.g.
child: ChildWidget(),
onPiPClose: (){
//Handle closing events e.g. dispose controllers.

elevation: 10, //Optional
pipBorderRadius: 10, //Optional
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Use NavigatablePiPWidget for Navigation inside the PiP Window e.g.
child: ChildWidget(),
onPiPClose: (){
//Handle closing events e.g. dispose controllers.

elevation: 10, //Optional
pipBorderRadius: 10, //Optional
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Additionally, you can also use PiPCapableWidget to handle the view changes in case of PiP start and stop e.g.
whileNotInPip: ChildToShowWhileNotInPiP(),
whileInPip: ChildToShowWhileInPiP(), //Optional
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Update the parameters of the pip view like below:
pipParams: PiPParams(
pipWindowHeight: 144,
pipWindowWidth: 256,
bottomSpace: 64,
leftSpace: 64,
rightSpace: 64,
topSpace: 64,
maxSize: Size(256, 144),
minSize: Size(144, 108),
movable: true,
resizable: false,
initialCorner: PIPViewCorner.bottomRight,
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Note #
That's it. Enjoy! Also, this package is 100% compatible with my other flutter plugin android_pip


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