Flutter Localized Locales | Coderz Product


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flutter localized locales

flutter_localized_locales #

flutter_localized_locales is a Flutter package which enables obtaining localized locale names from locale codes (ISO 639‑1) for 563 locales.
This package is based on the flutter_localized_countries package. Data is taken from https://github.com/umpirsky/locale-list.
Getting started #
Adding the localizations delegate #
This package bundles required assets and provides a LocalizationsDelegate for loading them. Specify localizationsDelegates for your MaterialApp, CupertinoApp, or WidgetsApp.
import 'package:flutter_localized_locales/flutter_localized_locales.dart';

void main() {
localizationsDelegates: [
// ... more localization delegates
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Usage #
Locale name #
LocaleNames.of(context)!.nameOf(String locale)
// Invalid locale string
print(LocaleNames.of(context)!.nameOf('zzzzz')); // null

// On a device whose locale is English (en)
print(LocaleNames.of(context)!.nameOf('fr_CA')); // French (Canada)

// On a device whose locale is Spanish (es)
print(LocaleNames.of(context)!.nameOf('fr_CA')); // francés (Canadá)

// On a device whose locale isn't supported, an attempt is made to find a supported one
// e.g. for a device whose locale is German (United Kingdom), returns German (de) names
print(LocaleNames.of(context)!.nameOf('fr_CA')); // Französisch (Kanada)

// On a device whose selected locale isn't supported, and no supported locale can be found,
// fallback to English (en) names.
// You can specify a different fallback locale
// e.g. to fallback to Afrikaans (af) names instead of English
LocaleNamesLocalizationsDelegate(fallbackLocale: 'af')
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Supported locales are listed in lib/locales.dart.
All locale names, sorted #
Respective locale names #
For convenience, this package provides a map of locale codes to their respective locale names. This always returns the same data, irrespective of the device locale.
print(LocaleNamesLocalizationsDelegate.nativeLocaleNames); // { ... af_ZA: Afrikaans (Suid-Afrika), ... ar: ال العربية السعودية) ... as: অসমীয়া ... fr: Français ... en: English ... }
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Known Bugs #

Sorting by name does not respect the locale, because Flutter does not provide any API for string collation.


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