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flutter mailer
flutter_mailer #
Share email content via device Email Client - supports multiple Attachments
Simple & quick plugin for cross application data sharing of email fields in mobile development.
Flutter Mailer example app
Supports: #
Getting Started #
Add to your pubspec dependencies, like so:
sdk: flutter
flutter_mailer: ^2.0.0
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Instantiate mail options as follows:
send email #
import 'package:flutter_mailer/flutter_mailer.dart';
final MailOptions mailOptions = MailOptions(
body: 'a long body for the email <br> with a subset of HTML',
subject: 'the Email Subject',
recipients: [''],
isHTML: true,
bccRecipients: [''],
ccRecipients: [''],
attachments: [ 'path/to/image.png', ],
final MailerResponse response = await FlutterMailer.send(mailOptions);
switch (response) {
case MailerResponse.saved: /// ios only
platformResponse = 'mail was saved to draft';
case MailerResponse.sent: /// ios only
platformResponse = 'mail was sent';
case MailerResponse.cancelled: /// ios only
platformResponse = 'mail was cancelled';
platformResponse = 'intent was successful';
platformResponse = 'unknown';
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note gmail and other apps Might parse HTML out of the body.
[Android] check if app is installed. #
use full if you want to send the intent to a specific App.
returns false on [IOS]
const GMAIL_SCHEMA = '';
final bool gmailinstalled = await FlutterMailer.isAppInstalled(GMAIL_SCHEMA);
if(gmailinstalled) {
final MailOptions mailOptions = MailOptions(
body: 'a long body for the email <br> with a subset of HTML',
subject: 'the Email Subject',
recipients: [''],
isHTML: true,
bccRecipients: [''],
ccRecipients: [''],
attachments: [ 'path/to/image.png', ],
appSchema: GMAIL_SCHEMA,
await FlutterMailer.send(mailOptions);
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[IOS] check if device has the ability to send email #
this package uses MFMailComposeViewController for [IOS] which requires the default mail App.
if none is installed you might want to revert to use url_launcher
returns false on [Android]
final bool canSend = await FlutterMailer.canSendMail();
if(!canSend && Platform.isIos) {
final url = 'mailto:$recipient?body=$body&subject=$subject';
if (await canLaunch(url)) {
await launch(url);
} else {
throw 'Could not launch $url';
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For help getting started with Flutter, view official online
For help on editing plugin code, view the documentation.
based off of react-native-mail
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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