Flutter Search Bar | Coderz Product


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flutter search bar

Archive Notice #
This repository is archived. 3.0.0 is the last version that I will publish.
The SearchBar still works and it's pretty simple if you'd like to fork it. I just don't have the time to maintain it.
flutter_search_bar #
A simple and mostly automatic material search bar for flutter (dart).
Note: use flutter_search_bar and not search_bar -- I own both packages but I'm just a tad bit locked out of search_bar, so it won't be updated.
Screenshots #
Normal state (search is not active yet, only title and actions are set, with the only action being a search button)

inBar set to false (background white, back button inherited):

inBar set to true (background inherited):

Usage #
A simple usage example:
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
SearchBar searchBar;

AppBar buildAppBar(BuildContext context) {
return new AppBar(
title: new Text('My Home Page'),
actions: [searchBar.getSearchAction(context)]

_MyHomePageState() {
searchBar = new SearchBar(
inBar: false,
setState: setState,
onSubmitted: print,
buildDefaultAppBar: buildAppBar

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
appBar: searchBar.build(context)
copied to clipboard
This will create an AppBar with a search button as its only action, and on press the AppBar will turn white and have a TextField inside, allowing user input. Once the user has input something and pressed the "enter" button on their keyboard, it will close and the value will be printed to the debugger.
Using SearchBar #
Essentially, this class returns two different app bars based on whether search is active.
The setState callback you pass the search bar can technically be any VoidCallback.
Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
We've recently added support for null-safety in 3.0.0 -- if you find any issues, please
report them there!


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