Flutter Security Checker | Coderz Product


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flutter security checker

This plugin provides the ability to verify rooting and integrity on Android and iOS platforms.

Features #

Can check whether the device is rooted or jailBroken.
Can check whether the device on which the app is installed is a physical device.
Can check that the app is installed through the correct content service (such as Google Play or Apple Store).

Getting started #
To use this plugin, add flutter_security_checker as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file. For example:
flutter_security_checker: ^3.0.0
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How to use #
import 'package:flutter_security_checker/flutter_security_checker.dart';

void _onCheckButtonPressed() async {
// Check whether the device is rooted or jailBroken.
// In Android Emulator or iOS Simulator it always returns true.
final bool isRooted = await FlutterSecurityChecker.isRooted;

// Check whether the device on which the app is installed is a physical device.
final bool isRealDevice = await FlutterSecurityChecker.isRealDevice;

// Check that the app is installed through the correct content service (such as Google Play or Apple Store).
// It is not an app installed through content service or always returns false in debugging mode.
final bool hasCorrectlyInstalled = await FlutterSecurityChecker.hasCorrectlyInstalled;
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NOTE: The isRooted and hasCorrectlyInstalled functions may not work properly in the development environment. In development environment, it is recommended to turn off notifications using the kReleaseMode of the flutter/foundation.dart package appropriately.
Support #
If you find any bugs or issues while using the plugin, please register an issues on GitHub. You can also contact us at hwj930513@naver.com.


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