Flutter Sensors | Coderz Repository


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flutter sensors

flutter_sensors #
Simple sensor event listener plugin for flutter(Android & iOS).
Installation #
First add the plugin in your project.
Copy the following line below dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file.
flutter_sensors: ^1.0.1
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Then you need to import the dependency.
import 'package:flutter_sensors/flutter_sensors.dart';
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iOS configuration #
You need to add the following key-value pair into your Info.plist file inside the ios/Runner folder in your project.
<string>A reason to get the permission</string>
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Android configuration #
You need to add the following permission in your AndroidManifest.xml to use the step counter.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACTIVITY_RECOGNITION"/>
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How to use #
You register a new listener for an specific sensor.
final stream = await SensorManager().sensorUpdates(
sensorId: Sensors.ACCELEROMETER,
interval: Sensors.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME,
_accelSubscription = stream.listen((sensorEvent) {
setState(() {
_accelData = sensorEvent.data;
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Also, you can check if an specific sensor is available.
bool accelerometerAvailable =
await SensorManager().isSensorAvailable(Sensors.ACCELEROMETER);
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Remember to cancel your StreamSubscriptions after you are done with the sensor updates.
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Android Only #
You can give the ID of a sensor without using the Sensors class. Example: registering a listener for the TYPE_LIGHT sensor.
int TYPE_LIGHT = 5; // TYPE_LIGHT is equals to 5
// Checking if is available.
bool isAvailable = await SensorManager().isSensorAvailable(TYPE_LIGHT);
// Initialize a stream to receive the updates.
final stream = await SensorManager().sensorUpdates(sensorId: TYPE_LIGHT);
_lightSubscription = stream.listen((sensorEvent) {
setState(() {
_lightData = sensorEvent.data;
// Cancel the stream after using it.
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You can get the rest of the IDs from here.


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