Formelsammlung 5.0.0 | Coderz Repository

formelsammlung 5.0.0

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formelsammlung 5.0.0





Collection of different multipurpose functions.
This library is a collection of different functions I developed which I use in different
projects so I put them here. New features are added when I need them somewhere.


getenv_typed(): is a wrapper around os.getenv returning the value of the environment variable in the correct python type.
calculate_string(): takes an arithmetic expression as a string and calculates it.
SphinxDocServer: is a flask plugin to serve the repository’s docs build as HTML (by sphinx). Needs flask extra to be also installed to work.
env_exe_runner(): is a function to call a given tool from the first venv/tox/nox environment that has it installed in a list of venv/tox/nox environments.
get_venv_path(): is a function to get the path to the current venv.
get_venv_bin_dir(): is a function to get the path to the bin/Scripts dir of a given venv.
get_venv_tmp_dir(): is a function to get the path to the tmp/temp dir of a given venv.
get_venv_site_packages_dir(): is a function to get the path to the site-packages dir of a given venv.
where_installed(): is a function to find the installation places in and outside a venv.
session_w_poetry: decorator to change nox session class to include poetry_install() method.

Works only with python version >= 3.6
A new version of pip that supports PEP-517/PEP-518 is required.
When the setup fails try updating pip.

No active maintenance is intended for this project.
You may leave an issue if you have a questions, bug report or feature request,
but I cannot promise a quick response time.

This project is licensed under the GPL-3.0 or later.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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