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foundrysmb3 0.6.1.post1
Foundry is the all-in-one editor for modifying copies of the North American release of SMB3. We seek to streamline the game development processes to ensure that the nostalgic memories of Power Glove, Nintendo Power, and goomba stomping can be accessed and modified by all. We want to put the power into our favorite game and you the super player!
To install and use Foundry, there are three options:
Download Foundry Executable
This is the every-person method. Every minor and major release will prepackage the editor into an executable to run painlessly on your native machine. To get started, go to Releases and download the executable specific to your operating system.
Download Foundry from PyPi
This is the method recommended if you wish to run the project natively with Python. This may required if you use a 32 bit machine or an obscure operating system. It is also required if you wish to use Foundry in some combination with other Python packages. With Python installed, write pip install foundry-smb3 into your console and run foundry or run foundry.main.start from inside Python.
Download Foundry from Github
This is the developer method. This will provide you easy access to the entire repository. In addition to Python you will need Poetry installed. Once installed run the following commands into your terminal:
$ git clone
$ cd Foundry
$ poetry install
All documentation of the editor can be found at Foundry Documentation.
Call for Contributions
Foundry is a community driven initiative that relies on your help and expertise.
Small improvements or fixes are critical to this repository's success. Issues labeled good first issue are a great place to start. For larger contributions WIP.
You do not need to be literate with programming to aid Foundry on its journey. We also need help with:
Developing tutorials
Creating graphics for our brand and promotional material
Outreach and onboarding new contributors
Reviewing issues and suggestions
If you are undecided on where to start, we encourage you to reach out. You can ask on our Discord or privately through email.
If you are new to open source projects and want to be caught up to speed, we recommend this guide
Important Links
Source Code
Bug Reporting
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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