Fpgatools 1.2.0 | Coderz Repository

fpgatools 1.2.0

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fpgatools 1.2.0

FPGA Tools
University project to support FPGA development for Nexys 4 and Nexys 4 DDR development boards.
Project supports:

TestBench generation
Constraint generation


File -> Browse: Search for your source VHDL file. Will be used for signal names and the base for the generation.
File -> Import Pinout: Custom port list can be imported.
Generate -> TestBench: Click if you want to generate testbench for your project.
Generate -> Constraint: Click if you want to generate constraints for your project. Double check your Signal - I/O bindings.
Switch between Nexys4 and Nexys4 DDR with radio buttons.
You can choose to use onboard 100 MHz clock.

Custom port list format
Custom pinout (port list) can be added to the software. You can browse your JSON file with File -> Import Pinout.
Custom port list should be edited according to the following example.
"Name":"Name of your config", // Shall include a name
"Switch":{ // Every pin shall be organized into groups
"SW0":"J15", // Key: functionality, Value: IC pin name
"CLK, Reset":{

Using as library
You can download files as python library via pip install: "pip install fpgatools".
import fpgatools.FPGA_Tools as ft


Runnable exe can be found under "Runnable exe" folder.
Exe generation can be run with misc/generate_exe.bat.
Executable can be found in "Runnable exe" folder.
You can generate the executable by running the misc/generate_linux.sh script.
INFO: Be sure libxcb installed. If not install with: "sudo apt-get install libxcb-xinerama0".
Generated GUI design can be found in misc/gui_design.ui. Created with QT Designer.
Few popular antivirus software alerts useres about virus in exe. Its false positive alert, because the exe is unsigned (not certificated) more about signing EXE. VirusTotal report
If you would like to generate your own "virus free" exe you can use generate_exe.bat, in this case you need all of the dependencies installed for your python.
Feel free to contact us if you have any question.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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