Fvwmpy 1.2.0 | Coderz Product

fvwmpy 1.2.0

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fvwmpy 1.2.0

fvwmpy -- framework for developing FVWM modules in python
This module defines class fvwmpy, that can be used by itself or as a
base for derived classes for writing FVWM modules.
Version fvwmpy_v1.2.0
This module is released under GPL-3.0 license.
I love FVWM

Simple interface for communication with the window manager.
Asyncronous access to the packet queue.
Possibility of maintaining dynamically updated list of windows and
their properties.
Possibility to iterate over windows satisfying given conditions.
Possibility of dynamically changing configuration
Simple interface for accessing FVWM's variables and infostore
Compatible with tkinter
Simple interface for masking packets from FVWM
Support for the concept of module aliases

A simple example of a module using fvwmpy may be written along the
following lines
import fvwmpy

class myfvwmmodule(fvwmpy.fvwmpy):
def h_config(self,pack):
# process config lines from FVWM database

def h_handler1(self,pack):
# respond to the pack

def h_handler2(self,pack):
# respond to the pack

m = myfvwmmodule()

### Keep FVWM mute while we are setting things up
m.mask = 0
m.syncmask = 0
m.nograbmask = 0

### Check command line arguments
for arg in m.args:
# process arg

### If we want to dynamically update configuration:
m.register_handler(fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG, m.h_config)

### If we want to keep config database up to date:
m.register_handler(fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG, m.h_saveconfig)

### If we want to have up to date list of windows
m.register_handler(fvwmpy.M_FOR_WINLIST, m.h_updatewl)

### Register handlers

### set masks
m.mask = <some mask>
m.syncmask = <some smask>
m.nograbmask = <some ngmask>

### for up to date winlist
m.mask |= fvwmpy.M_FOR_WINLIST

### for updating config dynamically
m.mask |= fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG

### If we want FVWM to wait while we update config
m.syncmask |= fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG
m.register_handler(fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG, m.h_unlock)

### Tell FVWM that we are ready

### Fill the config database

### Read FVWM's database of module configuration lines and parse them

### Fill the winlist database

### Do some other module stuff
m.info(' Looks like FVWM manages {} windows now',len(m.winlist))

### If the module is persistent (listens to FVWM and executes handlers)
### otherwise

More snippets and examples are below.
Structure of the fvwmpy module
The module define the following constants, functions and classes.
The following constants are defined within the module

These constants refer to FVWM decoration contexts.
See FVWM module
interface for the complete
list and definitions.

fvwmpy.contextnames, fvwmpy.contextcodes
fvwmpy.contextnames is a dictionary with keys being contexts, and
values -- character strings containing the names of the
corresponding context.
fvwmpy.contextcodes is the inverse of the fvwmpy.contextnames

Types of packets send from FVWM to the module. See section
packets and
FVWM module
interface for the
full list and meaning of packet types and other details. In
addition the following masks are defined:

fvwmpy.M_ALL - matches all packet types;
matches packets emitted by FVWM during response to
'Send_WindowList' command and fvwmpy.M_DESTROY_WINDOW and
fvwmpy.M_FOR_CONFIG -- mask matching all packets emitted by FVWM
in response to 'Send_ConfigInfo' command and fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG

fvwmpy.packetnames, fvwmpy.packetcodes
fvwmpy.packetnames is a dictionary for converting packet types to their names.
fvwmpy.packetnames[fvwmpy.MX_LEAVE_WINDOW] == 'MX_LEAVE_WINDOW'
fvwmpy.packetcodes is the inverse dictionary of fvwmpy.packetnames

Delimiter used by FVWM to tag the start of each packet.
FVWM_PACK_START is an integer and FVWM_PACK_START_b is its
bytes representation.

fvwmpy.FINISHED and fvwmpy.NOT_FINISHED
bytearrays containing tags to be sent to FVWM at the end of every
message to notify whether module intends to continue or has finished
working and is about to exit.

Integer. The size of C's long in bytes.

String. Codex for en/de-coding strings during communication with FVWM.

String. Naturally contains information about current version of the

fvwmpy.L_CRITICAL, fvwmpy.L_ERROR, fvwmpy.L_WARN,
fvwmpy.L_INFO, fvwmpy.L_DEBUG, fvwmpy.L_NOTSET
Constants for setting logging level. Instances of fvwmpy.fvwmpy
and fvwmpy._packet_queue have their own loggers. Logging level
can be set like this object.logger.setLevel(fvwmpy.L_DEBUG) to see
a lot of output from inner working of these objects. See also
object.debug,...,object.critical methods below.


Base exception from which others are derived.

This exception is raised when the module can not start up normally,
e.g it is not executed by FVWM, pipes can not be opened, etc.

raised when one trying restore masks without saving them first, etc.
It is also raised when one attempts to assign to FVWM variables (not

raised when FVWM does not understand communication from the
module or the other way around.

This exception is raised if pipe desyncronization is detected,
e.g. when the packet from FVWM does not have begin-tag or when the
content of the packet does not match its format.
Instances of fvwmpy._packet_queue class have method ._resync() to seek the
stream to the next pack. See packet queue section for more details.

Helper functions

mask is a mask used for packet matching.
Returns a tuple of all packet types, that match the given mask.
If all the packet types in the list are bitwise ored, one gets the
mask back.

Returns a unique string, which almost guarantied not to match
anything ever sent by FVWM. Can be used for tagging 'SendReply'
FVWM-command. Each invocation returns a different string.

Returns a callable object, that can be called on a packet and
returns boolean value. See Picker factory section for more details.

fvwmpy.glob(globstring), fvwmpy.Glob(globstring)
Both create glob patterns, against which you can match other
globstring is a string, that may contain '*' and '?' characters
and '[chars]' substrings. Pattern '[chars]' may also contain ranges
like '[a-z0-9]'. Wildcard '*' matches any substring, '?' matches
any single character. '[chars]' matches any single character which
is one of 'chars'. To match '*' or '?' literally, use the
corresponding character enclosed in '[]'.
When [gG]lob instance is compared to another string with == or !=
operator, it checks whether another string matches the pattern.
E.g. 'abc*efg?xyz' == glob('*c[*]EFg[?]x??') returns True.
The difference between glob and Glob is that in the former
matching is case insensitive, while objects of the later match
string in a case-sensitive way, so
'abc*efg?xyz' == Glob('*c[*]EFg[?]x??') will be False.

Class fvwmpy.fvwmpy
Instances of fvwmpy have the following attributes and methods

String. The name of the executable file containing the module

String. Alias of the module. Alias is guessed from the command line
arguments of the module during initialization. If the first
command line argument does not start with '-', then it is assumed to
be the alias of the module. Then m.alias is set (which affects
logging functions and pruning of configuration lines) and this
argument is not included in m.args. If the first argument is a
single '-', then it is also removed from m.args and m.alias will
be the same as m.me. m.alias can not be changed afterwards.
This alias guessing seems to be consistent with what FVWM does.
So module with alias 'FvwmAkaModule' will receive strings sent by
SendToModule FvwmAkaModule <string> and can be terminated by
KillModule FvwmAkaModule command.

List of strings. Contains command line arguments of the module.
If the first argument does not start with '-', then it is assumed to
be the alias of the module. Then m.alias is set (which affects
logging functions and pruning of configuration lines) and this
argument is not included in m.args. If the first argument is a
single '-', then it is also removed from m.args.

If the module FvwmMyModule is invoked by FVWM command
Module FvwmMyModule FvwmAkaModule arg1 arg2 ...

then m.alias == 'FvwmAkaModule' and m.args == ['arg1', 'arg2', ...]

If the module is invoked by
Module FvwmMyModule - FvwmAkaModule arg1 arg2 ...

then m.alias == 'FvwmMyModule' and
m.args == ['FvwmAkaModule', 'arg1', 'arg2', ...]

If the module is invoked by
Module FvwmMyModule -geometry 200x200+24+0 ...

then m.alias == 'FvwmMyModule' and
m.args == ['-geometry', '200x200+24+0', ...]

Integer. Mask for communication from FVWM. The mask controls what
kind of packets FVWM sends to the module. The normal and extended (bits
higher then 32) masks are treated the same, so, for example
m.mask = fvwmpy.MX_LEAVE_WINDOW | fvwmpy.M_VISIBLE_NAME
is a legal instruction with intended consequences.
Setting the mask to a new value will trigger communication with FVWM
to let it know the new value, but only if the new value is
different from the old, so no unnecessary communication takes
place. Note, that if you previously changed the mask by some other
method (sending an appropriate message to FVWM) the new value might
not be communicated to the window manager when executing m.mask = <new_value>. Methods m.push_mask() and m.restore_mask() are
safe to use in this respect.
Every time new mask is set by m.mask = newmask,
m.mask_setter_hook('mask',newmask) is called.
m.mask_setter_hook(...) does nothing by default, but you may
overload it, for example, to communicate new value of the mask to
other parts of the program, e.g. gui.
See fvwmpy.M[X]_* for possible values of masks and interpretation
See also m.push_masks(...) and m.restore_masks() methods for
temporarily changing masks.
See FVWM module
interface for
the explanation of the concepts of masking.

m.syncmask and m.nograbmask
are similar to m.mask but contain values of syncmask and
nograbmask, respectively. When new value is set,
m.mask_setter_hook('syncmask',newmask) or
m.mask_setter_hook('nograbmask',newmask) is called.

Integer. Contains id of the window in whose context the module was
started or 0 if the module was executed outside of any window context.
This will be used for all methods requiring context_window parameter
if None is passed.

Window decoration context in which module was started or 0 if the
module was executed outside of any window context. See fvwmpy.C_*
and FVWM module
interface for
explanation of decoration contexts.

A logger object associated with the instance. You may call
m.logger.setLevel(<new_level>) to change the severity threshold
for logging messages. Here <new_level> is one of the fvwmpy.L_*
constants described above. m.logger.getEffectiveLevel() is the
current level. See also m.debug,...,m.critical methods below.
The default level is fvwmpy.L_WARN, which keeps it relatively quiet.

m.config is the database containing information sent by FVWM
during execution of Send_ConfigInfo command and with M_SENDCONFIG
packets. See also m.getconfig() method and m.h_saveconfig() handler.
For more details see section Config database below.

m.winlist is the database of windows known to FVWM indexed by
window id's. It can be filled by calling m.getwinlist() method. It
is also possible to arrange to have m.winlist to be up to date at
all times. See information on m.h_updatewl handler.
m.winlist inherits from dict. m.winlist[<window_id>] is an
instance of fvwmpy._window class and contains all the information
about the window, that FVWM cares to communicate to us.
For more details see winlist database below
In addition to the usual dict methods it also has method
w.winlist.filter(conditions) which return an iterator for cycling
through windows satisfying conditions. It is described in more
details in winlist database section.

A dictionary whose keys are packet types and values are lists of
handler functions, each of which takes one argument, which is a
Initially all lists are empty. It is not advised to access it directly.
See m.register_handler(), m.unregister_handler(),
m.clear_handlers(), m.registered_handler() and
m.call_handlers() methods and handlers section below.

m.var and m.infostore
These are special objects providing access to FVWM variables and
infostore database.
See section FVWM variables and infostore below.

A packets queue from FVWM.
See Packets section for the description and the structure of the
packet data type.

For all methods requiring context_window parameter if `None` is
given, module's own context window is assumed.

m.debug(), m.info(), m.warn(),
m.error() and m.critical()
logging functions. They should be called
m.<log_fcn>(message_string, *arguments)
and use message_string.format(*arguments) formatting paradigm.
Logging messages are directed to stderr. For the module
stderr-stream will be the same as for FVWM. Logging functions
print the severity level followed by the alias of the module
followed by the formatted message. The behavior of these functions
is affected by the value returned by
m.logger.getEffectiveLevel(). Only messages with severity not less
then that level will be printed. Use
m.logger.setLevel(value) to change logging level.

m.sendmessage(msg, context_window=None, finished=False)
Send a (possibly multi-line) message to FVWM for execution in the
context of context_window.
msg is a multi-line string conatining FVWM commands. Empty lines
(only with white spaces) are ignored. For example the following
cmds=""" Focus
WarpToWindow {} {} """
m.sendmessage(cmds.format(30,50), context_window = wid )

If context_window is not given or None, then the window context
will be equal to the context window of the module (that is
m.context_window). If context_window==0, then FVWM executes
commands without window context.
If finished then FVWM will be notified that the module is done
working and is about to exit soon.
Every time m.sendmessage(...) is executed m.sendmessage_hook()
with the same arguments will also be called.
m.sendmessage_hook() does nothing, but can be overloaded, for
example, to let GUI part know that a message was sent.

Send string message msg to FVWM and request to send it back in the
context context_window. If timeout is given and not None, then
return not later then after timeout seconds. If for some reason no
reply was received from FVWM, None is returned.
There is no need to change masks before/after invoking this method,
it works independently of the current values of masks and does not
change them.
This method works reliably independently whether there are unhandled
packets in the packet queue. The reply will be picked and removed
from the queue and returned. The following code works correctly.
### Pollute the queue
m.sendmessage('Send_Reply unrelated reply')
### Now packet queue is full of packets

w_name = m.getreply('$[w.name]',context_window=123456789)
### reply packet is found in the queue and is removed from it

# do something with w_name
# handle packets remaining in the queue

m.getconfig(handler=None, match=None,timeout=0.5)
Ask FVWM for configuration info. Each received packet is passed to
the handler. This method returns True upon successful operation
or False if something went wrong, pehaps M_END_CONFIG_INFO
packet was not received for timeout seconds.
(Experimentation shows that FVWM needs not more then 0.05 seconds to
send config under normal circumstances)
handler must be None or a callable taking one argument, which is a
packet of type matching fvwmpy.M_FOR_CONFIG. If handler is not
supplied or is None, then the default handler m.h_saveconfig is
used. m.h_saveconfig just fills m.config database with the
information received from FVWM. See section Config database below.
match must be None or a string to match module configuration
lines against. If not supplied then '*' + m.alias is assumed. If
match == "" then all configuration lines for all modules are
received and processed.
There is no need to change masks before/after invoking this method,
it works independently of the current values of masks and does not
change them.
This method works reliably independently of the state of the packet
queue. Even if the queue is not empty at the start of this call,
configuration packets will be found in the queue and removed from
it. So the following works reliably
### Pollute the queue

### Now queue is full of packets
### m.config is updated and config messages are removed from the
### queue

# handle the packets remaining in the queue

If you want to keep config database up to date all the time, then
include the following
m.register_handler(fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG, m.h_saveconfig)
m.mask |= fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG

somewhere in your code.
See Config database for more information and how to have config
database up to date all the time.

m.getwinlist(handler = None,timeout=0.5)
Ask FVWM for the list of all windows it manages. Each packet
received in response is passed to the handler. Return True if
operation was successful. Wait for at most timeout seconds for
M_END_WINLIST packet from FVWM before returning.
handler should be a callable taking one argument, which is a
packet of type matching fvwmpy.M_FOR_WINLIST. If handler is not
supplied then default handler m.h_updatewl is used. m.h_updatewl
simply updates m.winlist database with the information received
from FVWM. It also understands fvwmpy.M_ADD_WINDOW and
fvwmpy.M_DESTROY_WINDOW packets removing/adding the corresponding
entries from the database.
It is not necessary to adjust the values of the masks before or
after invoking fvwmpy.getwinlist(). It works independently of the
current values of masks and preserves them.
This method works reliably independently of the state of the packet
queue. Even if queue is not empty at the start of this call,
fvwmpy.M_FOR_WINDOWLIST-type packets will be found in the queue and removed from
it. So the following works reliably
### Pollute the queue
### Now queue is full of packets

### Mute FVWM
m.mask = 0

### m.winlist is updated and the corresponding packets are
### removed from the queue

### m.mask is still 0

# handle the packets remaining in the queue

Note that m.getwinlist() will also pick packets of type
M_ADD_WINDOW or M_DESTROY_WINDOW (these packets are not send in
response 'Send_WindowList' request, but correspond to events in
FVWM) and they will be also removed from the queue.
If you want to keep m.winlist up to date all the time, then
include the following
m.register_handler(fvwmpy.M_FOR_WINLIST, m.h_updatewl)
m.mask |= fvwmpy.M_FOR_WINLIST

somewhere in your code.

Tell FVWM that the module has finished setting things up and is ready to
start working.

Clean up and exit with exit status n.
See also m.h_exit() handler.

During synchronous operations, tell FVWM that module is ready to
continue working and is listening to FVWM.
If finished then notify FVWM that the module is about to exit.

Set mask, syncmask and nograbmask to new values temporarily.
If any of the values is None than the corresponding mask is left
It is possible to have several embedded
m.push_masks--m.restore_masks constructs.

Restore masks previously overridden by m.push_masks.
If mask stack is empty (more m.restore_masks()'s then
fvwmpy.IllegalOperation exception is raised.

m.register_handler(mask, handler)
Register handler for packets of type matching mask.
The default mainloop executes all the handlers for all matching
packets in the order they were registered.
handler should be a callable taking one argument, which is a
packet of type matching mask and should be capable of processing
such a packet. Handlers should not raise any non-terminal exceptions.
If handler is already registered previously for some packet types,
it will not be registered again, neither it will be moved to the end
of execution queue for that type. If you want to move some registered
handler to the end of the queue, you have to unregister it first.
There are some predefined packet handlers, (see below) but one could
define more as functions or as methods in the derived class.

m.unregister_handler(mask, handler)
Remove handler from the execution queue for the packets matching
mask. It is not an error to try to unregister a handler, which
is not registered. So, for example,
m.unregister_handler(fvwmpy.M_ALL, m.h_handler)

removes m.h_handler from all queues where it is present.

Execute all handlers in the queue corresponding to the pack's
packet type passing packet pack to them. The default mainloop calls
m.call_handlers() on all packets received from FVWM except those
which are removed from the queue by m.get* methods or
m.packets.pick(...,keep=False) method.

Clear all execution queues for packets matching mask.

Return the mask for the queues where handler is registered.

Enter mainloop which simply reads packets from FVWM and for each
packet executes handlers in the queue, until
m.exit() or m.h_exit() method is called. It could be overloaded
in the derived class.

Supplied handlers

Packets type: M_FOR_CONFIG
This handler is capable of processing packets matching
fvwmpy.M_FOR_CONFIG|fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG. It simply records the
information in m.config database. You can insert the following
lines in your code to keep the database up to date
m.register_handler(fvwmpy.M_FOR_CONFIG, m.h_saveconfig)
m.mask |= fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG | fvwmpy.M_CONFIG_INFO
### If you want to process config in a synchronous manner
m.register_handler(fvwmpy.M_FOR_CONFIG, m.h_unlock)
m.syncmask |= fvwmpy.M_SENDCONFIG | fvwmpy.M_FOR_CONFIG

m.h_saveconfig(pack) does not send NOP UNLOCK command to FVWM.
In case you want to process configuration information synchronously
register m.h_unlock after m.h_saveconfig.

Packets type: M_ALL
This handler completely ignores its argument and sends the NOP UNLOCK
command to FVWM. FVWM waits for NOP UNLOCK after sending packets
matching m.syncmask, so it make sense to always

after all other handlers are added.
If syncmask changes one should
m.unregister_handler(fvwmpy.M_ALL, m.h_unlock)
m.register_handler(m.syncmask, m.h_unlock)

to make sure that m.h_unlock is the last one in the queues

Packet types: M_ALL
This handler ignores its argument, cleans things up and terminates the

Packet types: M_ALL
Do nothing.

This handler is capable to process packets matching
information in the packet to update m.winlist database.

FVWM variables and InfoStore
Instances of fvwmpy.fvwmpy have two special objects m.var and
m.infostore, which provide access to FVWM variables and FVWM
infostore database in a transparent manner.
The value of a variable (even non-existent) is always a string.
If variable no.such.var does not exist in FVWM environment,
the access methods below will return the literal string
'$[no.such.var]'. It is client's business to check for this and to
perform type casting, when necessary.
The behavior of infostore database is analogous.

One can access FVWM variables in two ways

m.var.<var_name_with_underscores> will be equal to the value of
FVWM variable as a string. FVWM variables often have a dot in
their names. To use this method you have to replace dots with
underscores. That is m.var.w_id will return the value
$[w.id]. You can not assign to or delete FVWM variables, so
m.var.w_id = <value> or del m.var.w_id will raise
fvwmpy.IllegalOperation() exception.

m.var('var_name1',...,context_window=None) will return a tuple
with string-values of variables, whose names are given as string
arguments. It is not necessary (but allowed) to replace dots
with underscore in variable names, when using this method. If
context_window == None then module's context_window is
assumed. If context_window == 0 then variable values are
obtained outside of any context.

The second method obtains all variable values in one communication
cycle with FVWM, so it is preferable, when values of several
variables are needed.
It is not possible to get value of a variable, whose name contains
underscore. To the best of my knowledge there are no such variables,
at least none are mentioned in the FVWM man pages.

Similarly, one can access FVWM infostore database in two ways

m.infostore.<var_name_with_underscores> will be equal to the
value of FVWM infostore variable as a string. You have to
replace dots with underscores in variable names. For example
m.infostore.my_variable will return the FVWM's expansion of
$[infostore.my.variable]. You can also assign to or delete
FVWM infostore variables, so m.infostore.my_variable = <value>
or del m.infostore.my_variable are legal.

Similarly m.infostore('var_name1',...) will return a tuple with
string-values of variables, whose names are given as string
arguments. It is not necessary (but allowed) to replace dots
with underscore in variable names.

The second method obtains all variable values in one communication cycle
with FVWM, so it is preferable, when values of several variables are needed.
Beware that it is not possible to get the value of, assign to, or
delete an infostore variable, whose name contains underscore.

Access methods for both FVWM variables and infostore variables work
reliably independently of the state of the packet queue. So you can
have some stale packets in the queue and still get the correct values.
Note that each access attempt results in communication with FVWM, so it
is better access once and store values, if needed.
### Bad practice, 4 communication cycles with FVWM
area = int(m.var.w_width) * int(m.var.w_height)
perimeter = 2*int(m.var.w_width) + 2*int(m.var.w_height)

### Good practice, 1 communication with FVWM
width, height = map( int, m.var('w.width','w.height') )
area = width * height
perimeter = 2 * (width + height)

Winlist database m.winlist
m.winlist is a dictionary of windows indexed by window id's. Each
window is an instance of fvwmpy._window class and has the attributes
and methods listed below.
m.winlist has all the usual methods inherited from dict
and one extra described below.

This method returns an iterator that cycle through windows matching
conditions is a string containing the same conditions that are
allowed in FVWM's conditional commands. See FVWM manual pages for
explanations. For formatting convenience conditions may be a
multi-line string. As an example look at the following (not very useful)
condition = """
!FixedSize, !FixedPosition,
!Fvwm*, !stalonetray
for w in m.windowlist.filter(condition):
dx = max( w.wdx//2, w.hints_min_width )
dy = max( w.wdy//2, w.hints_min_height )
m.sendmessage( 'Resize {}p {}p'.format(dx,dy),
context_window=w.window )

Note that winlist.filter may have troubles, if the
winlist database is not up to date.
Winlist has __str__ method which gives some nice human readable
representation of entire database. The following very simple module
will print the database into the file when it is instructed to
do so by FVWM command 'SendToModule MyModule dumpwinlist'
class MyModule(fvwmpy.fvwmpy):
def h_dumpwinlist(self,p):
if p.string == glob('dumpwinlist *'):
with open('winlist.txt','wt') as file:
elif p.string == glob('exit *'):


m.mask = fvwmpy.M_STRING | fvwmpy.M_FOR_WINLIST
m.syncmask = 0
m.nograbmask = 0

Attributes and methods of instances of fvwmpy._window class.
For more comprehensive information and meaning of different
attributes refer to FVWM module
interface and
consult fvwm.h, window_flags.h, Module.h vpacket.h files in FVWM
source tree.
Each value of m.winlist is fvwmpy._window object.
fvwmpy._window inherits from dict. For syntactic convenience
values of the dictionary can also be accessed as attributes via
w.key, which is completely equivalent to w['key']. Also both
raise KeyError() exception, if the key/attribute is missing.
The attributes/keys are

w.window window id

w.frame id of the frame window

w.wx, w.wy x,y location of the window’s frame

w.wdx, w.wdy width and height of the window’s frame

w.desk desktop number

w.layer layer

w.hints_base_width, w.hints_base_height window base width
and height

w.hints_width_inc, w.hints_height_inc window resize
width/height increment

w.orig_hints_width_inc, w.orig_hints_height_inc
original window resize width/height increment

w.hints_min_width, w.hints_min_height,
w.hints_max_width, w.hints_max_height
window minimum/maximum width/height

w.icon_w icon label window id, or 0

w.icon_pixmap_w icon pixmap window id, or 0

w.hints_win_gravity window gravity

w.text_pixel pixel value of the text color

w.back_pixel pixel value of the window border color

w.ewmh_hint_layer ewmh layer

w.ewmh_hint_desktop ewmh desktop

w.ewmh_window_type ewmh window type

w.title_height window title height

w.border_width border width

w.flags is a bytearray containing style flags and action
flags. See also w.flag() method.

w.win_name window name

w.ico_name icon name

w.win_vis_name window visible name

w.ico_vis_name icon visible name

w.res_class resolution class

w.res_name resolution name

w.mini_ico_dx, w.mini_ico_dy ToDo these




w.mini_ico_filename NOTE there seems to be a bug in
FVWM. This value can not be decoded to a meaningful string with
neither 'ascii' nor 'utf8' codex.


w.flag(i) returns the value of the i^th flag as 0/1 integer.
ToDo: access flags by meaningful names.
ToDo: It seems that FVWM sends window position relative to the
current viewport. Shall we recalculate it to be absolute within the

The winlist database is filled by m.getwinlist() method.
You can keep it up to date, see examples above.
Config database m.config
m.config is a database of configuration information sent in response
to Send_ConfigInfo command. It is a list of strings, each is a
module configuration line.
Note: Each configuration line is concatenation of module name and
configuration parameters without any delimiter. So the line
*FvwmMymodule:Geometry 100x100+0-0 in FVWM's config is passed to
the module as '*FvwmMymoduleGeometry 100x100+0-0'. I am not sure
whether this is a FVWM bug or intentional.
In addition it has the following attributes

m.config.DesktopSize the size of the desktop (in pages)

m.config.ImagePath a tuple of strings, each is the path where FVWM
searches for images

m.config.XineramaConfig a tuple of integers. See FVWM manual pages
for the meaning.

m.config.ClickTime integer. Click time in milliseconds

m.config.IgnoreModifiers tuple of integers. Modifiers that are ignored.

m.config.colorsets list of colorsets, each represented as a list of
ToDo: We really need to parse colorsets and create meaningful
access to them.

m.config has __str__ method that returns human readable
representation of the database. The following module prints config
database to the file when instructed by SendToModule MyModule dumpconfig command.
from fvwmpy import *

class MyModule(fvwmpy):
def h_cmd(self,p):
if p.string == glob('dumpwinlist *'):
self.info('Save window list to winlist.txt')
with open('winlist.txt','wt') as file:
if p.string == glob('dumpconfig *'):
self.info('Save config to config.txt')
with open('config.txt','wt') as file:
elif p.string == glob('exit *'):

m.register_handler(M_STRING, m.h_cmd)
m.register_handler(M_FOR_WINLIST, m.h_updatewl)
m.register_handler(M_SENDCONFIG, m.h_saveconfig)

m.mask = ( M_STRING | M_FOR_WINLIST |
m.syncmask = 0
m.nograbmask = 0



Packet queue
An instance of fvwmpy.fvwmpy class has attribute m.packets that
represents the queue of packets from FVWM. The structure of each packet
data type is described below.
m.packets is an object of fvwmpy._packet_queue class.
One can change the level of logging produced by m.packets by calling
m.packets.logger.setLevel(<new_level>) where <new_level> is
one of fvwmpy.L_* constants described above. The default level is
fvwmpy.L_WARN, which makes it mostly quiet.
The packets are read from the FVWM-to-module pipe asynchronously and
put into the queue for processing by the module.
m.packets has the following attributes and methods

You can see how many packets are waiting to be handled with

bool(m.packets) returns True iff the queue is not empty.

Empty the queue discarding all of its content.

Returns and removes the packet from the top of the queue. If queue
is empty and timeout is None it waits for the packet to arrive.
If queue is empty and timeout is given and not None,
return value None, if no packet arrived in the pipe during timeout

This is like m.packets.read method, except the packet remains in
the queue and will be returned with the next m.packets.read or
m.packets.peek call, unless it will have been m.packets.pick()'ed

m.packets.pick(picker, until=None, keep=False, timeout=0.500)
Return all packets from the queue for which
picker evaluates to true, possibly removing them from the queue,
depending on the parameter keep. The queue is searched until
packet for which until evaluates to true is found.
Even if no packets are found, return after timeout seconds.
Note: the return value is always a tuple, even if returning
one or zero packets.

picker must be a callable, taking a packet as a single parameter
and returning boolean value. It is used to prune the queue. See
Picker factory for creating pickers.

until is the same type as picker. The search in the queue will
be terminated once the packet for which until evaluated to
True is encountered. If not given or None then until is set
to be equal to picker. In that case the first (oldest) packet
matching picker will be found and returned (if it arrives within
timeout seconds).

keep is a boolean that indicates whether packets should be
removed from the queue.

timeout indicates how many seconds shall
the method wait for until(p)==True-packet. If timeout is None,
wait indefinitely.

from fvwmpy import *


### Find all config lines about colorsets in he queue
packs = m.packets.pick( picker = picker( mask = M_FOR_CONFIG,
string = glob("colorset*") ),
until = picker( mask = M_END_CONFIG_INFO ) )

### Find the oldest MX_ENTER_WINDOW PACKET
(pack,) = m.packets.pick( picker = picker( mask = M_ENTER_WINDOW ))

### Find all `SendToModule`-messages from FVWM until this moment
tag = unique_id()
m.sendmessage("SendReply {}".format(tag))
packs = m.packets.pick (picker = picker(mask=M_STRING),
until = picker(mask=MX_REPLY,

### In the last example MX_REPLY packet will not be returned and
### will remain in the queue. If this is undesired change the last
### line to
end = picker(mask=MX_REPLY,string=glob(tag))
pick = picker(mask=M_STRING) | end
packs = m.packets.pick (picker=pick, until=end)

FVWM packets
m.packets.{read,peek,pick}() return an instance of fvwmpy._packet
class, which inherits from dict. Values can also be accessed via
p.key or p['key'] which are completely equivalent in that both
raise KeyError() exception, if the key is missing.
The available keys/attributes depend on the packet and described below
for all types of packets. See FVWM module
interface when each
packet is sent and what information it contains.
Any packet has always the following attributes

p.ptype - Integer. Type of the packet. See fvwmpy.M[X]_* constants.
p.name - String. Type of the packet as a character string
matching glob('MX_*|M_*'). This is a property, there is no
corresponding key in the dictionary.
p.time - Integer. Time stamp
p.body - Bytearray. The raw body of the packet without the header.

Other attributes/keys depend on the packet. Below they are listed for
each type of packets.


p.px, p.py - Integer. Coordinates of the NW corner of the current
p.desk - Integer. Current desk number.
p.max_x, p.max_y - Integer. Sizes of the current viewport.
p.nx, p.ny - Integer. Number of pages in the desktop
in x- and y-directions.


p.desk - Integer. Current desk number.


fvwmpy.M_DESTROY_WINDOW, fvwmpy.M_MAP, fvwmpy.M_WINDOWSHADE,

p.window - Integer. Window id
p.frame - Integer. Frame window id


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.

fvwmpy.M_ICONIFY, fvwmpy.M_DEICONIFY

p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.ix, p.iy - These and below are integers.
p.idx, p.idy
p.fx, p.fy
p.fdx, p.fdy


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.win_name - String. Name of the window.


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.ico_name - String. Name of the icon window.


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.res_class - String.


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.res_name - String.


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.ix, p.iy - These and below are integers.
p.idx, p.dy

fvwmpy.M_ERROR, fvwmpy.M_CONFIG_INFO,

p.string - String. The content depends on the type of the packet.


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.ico_filename - String. Name of the image file.


p.ico_defaultfilename - Supposed to be a string, but FVWM
seems to send garbage.

fvwmpy.M_STRING, fvwmpy.MX_REPLY

p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.string - String.


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.mini_ico_dx, p.mini_ico_dy - Integer.
p.mini_ico_depth - Integer
p.mini_ico_filename - String.


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.win_vis_name - String.


p.win_stack - List of triples of integers.


p.window - As above.
p.frame - As above.
p.ico_vis_name - String.


p.prop_type - Integer
p.val_1, p.val_2 - Integer
p.prop_str - String.

The attributes of the packets of these types are the same as the
first 29 attributes of an instance of fvwmpy._window class above
(up to and including w.flags)

ToDo: Details of the packet attributes above.
Picker factory
The fvwmpy module defines a special class fvwmpy.picker that can be
used for creating callables that take a packet as an argument and
return a boolean value. There are two invocation signatures

fcn is a callable with packet as an argument or None.
Return a callable (picker object) equivalent to the fcn in the sense that
fvwmpy.picker(fcn)(p) == bool(fcn(p)) for any packet p.
If fcn is None then return a picker object, that is always True.

Returns a callable object, that can be called on a packet and
returns boolean value.
pck = picker(mask=M, key1=val1, key2=val2,...)

then pck(p) returns True iff the packet p matches mask M and has
key:value pairs key1:val1, key2:val2,...
If one of the keys is missing in packet p, then the return value
of pck(p) is False. If mask is None, then no mask matching is performed.
In place of val1, val2, you can use glob and Glob objects ,
described above to check matching of strings against glob
patterns. See examples below.
fvwmpy.picker objects can be conjoined with |, & or unary ~
operators. The resulting picker evaluated on packet p returns
value which is or, and or not of the value(s) of operand(s)
evaluated on p. These operators short-circuit from left to
right. You can build arbitrary boolean polynomials with picker
objects and the above operators.
For example, if
pck1 = (
picker(win_name=glob('Fvwm*') ) |
picker(res_name=glob('*term*') )

pck2 = picker(mask = M_ENTER_WINDOW|M_LEAVE_WINDOW, window=1234567)

pck3 = picker(window = 987654321) & ~picker(mask=M_DESTROY_WINDOW)

then pck1(p) will be true iff
packet p has key 'win_name' with a string value starting with 'fvwm' OR
if p has key 'res_name' with a value containing 'term'.
pck2(p) will be only true for packets emitted by FVWM when
pointer enters of leaves window with id==1234567.
pck3(p) will evaluate true on all packets related to window with
id==987654321 except M_DESTROY_WINDOW packet.
picker objects are handy for m.packets.pick() method, described
above and also for use in packet handlers.


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