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gaveta 0.5.0
Vanilla utility functions for different projects.
Source code
PyPI package
Snyk Advisor
Install pyenv (if necessary).
pyenv install && pyenv versions
pip install hatch==1.9.3 && hatch --version
hatch config set dirs.env.virtual .hatch
hatch config show
hatch env create
hatch status
hatch env show
hatch dep show table
hatch run qa:lint
hatch run qa:format
hatch run docs:dev
hatch project metadata
hatch version micro
hatch version minor
hatch version major
hatch build --clean
echo "v$(hatch version)" | pbcopy
Commit and push changes.
Create a tag on GitHub Desktop.
Check GitLab.
hatch publish
Check PyPI.
BROWSER="firefox" glab auth login --hostname
glab release create "v$(hatch version)"
Cloudflare Pages
npx wrangler@3.67.1 login
npx wrangler@3.67.1 whoami
npx wrangler@3.67.1 pages project create gaveta
hatch run docs:build
npx wrangler@3.67.1 pages deploy site --project-name=gaveta
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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