Generic Tree 0.0.1 | Coderz Product

generic-tree 0.0.1

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generictree 0.0.1

Conceptual Repository

This intend to be an readme-documented, open-source-licensed, semantic-versioned,
conventional-committed and changelogged git repository starting point
for the development of a brand-new project

A straightforward begin for an open-source project repository
Table of Contents

See all

Getting started

Development environment
Repo publication

Project specifications

Folder structure


Getting started
First of all, create a new repository from this
Name it accordingly and place where it best fits for your team.
Development environment
Make sure you have Git installed:
$ git --version
git version 2.25.1

Thus, clone the recent-created repository locally
and you'll be ready to start developing your project.
Repo publication
After all, you should make this project your own:
Write a good README to present your project to the world.
And also ensure to tailor the project license to your needs.
Project specifications
Here some descriptions about this template project:
This project shortens a repository start setup, considering:

Inclusion of a mature README document, inspired by Standard Readme
Inclusion of an open-source LICENSE file
Inclusion of a structured, yet raw, CHANGELOG file
Compliance with widely-used version control conventions, such as:

Semantic Versioning
Conventional Commit
Keep a Changelog

Folder structure
├── .git/ version control folder
├── .gitignore ignored files manifest
├── release notes description
├── LICENSE license file
└── readme document

This project is maintained by the author, @artu-hnrq.
It has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
This project is published under the permissions established by GNU General Public License v3.0.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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