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genpl 1.1.1
genpl is a Python 3 script for recursively generating playlists (M3U8, PLS,
etc.) for audio files.
Some music devices (e.g., the author’s OEM automotobile head unit) do not
support a library of audio files, but only a simple single-folder or playlist
play modes, that harken back to the early days of software audio players.
Given a typical filesystem layout that places releases in independent folders
beneath an artist folder, the only way to play an entire artist is to build a
playlist containing all releases for the artist. genpl solves the problem
by recursively building “chained” playlists containing audio files for the
containing folder or below. That is, suppose the following folder structure:
Provide the path /Music to genpl, and it can create a playlist at evey
level of the path. A playlist in folder ‘2112’ will contain tracks from the
album 2112; a playlist in folder ‘Rush’ will contain all releases for the
artist Rush; a playlist in folder ‘Releases’ will contain releases for all
popular artists; a playlist in folder ‘Popular’ will contain music for all
popular artists; finally, a playlist in folder ‘Music’ will contain all music.
By default, genpl needs only a root path to generate chained m3u8 playlists
for all subfolders containing audio files with extensions ‘ogg’, ‘flac’, ‘mp3’,
‘aac’, ‘m4a’, ‘oga’, ‘mka’, and ‘shn’:
genpl /Music
Or on Windows:
genpl F:\Music
Other generation modes are available to create a single playlist in the root
containing all music below the root, --single-playlist, or to create
playlists only in folders containing audio files and excluding files from
subfolders, --unchained-playlists. Playlists are named the same as the
parent folder, e.g., in the example above, folder ‘2112’ would contain a
playlist named ‘2112.m3u8’. Use the --parent argument to create the
playlists one folder higher, instead; e.g., in the example above the folder
‘Rush’ would contain a playlist for each release, rather than a playlist in each
subfolder. A fixed playlist filename can be provided to the --filename
argument; however, in --parent mode, the filename only applies to the
playlist created in the root. Other playlist types than ‘m3u8’ are available
through the --type argument.
By default, genpl will use the path conventions for the platform where it is
run (for example ‘/’ path separators on Linux vs. ‘' path separators on
Windows). In cases where the files may be moved to another platform, it may be
useful to force a certain convention with --posix or --windows. Note,
however, that the author’s experience suggests that POSIX conventions work with
most platforms and software, including Windows; your milage may vary.
By default, genpl creates playlists using paths relative to the playlist
location. For example, given the folder structure above, a playlist in the
‘Relases’ folder would have entries:
Rush/2112/01 - 2112.ogg
Rush/2112/02 - A Passage to Bangkok.ogg
In almost all use cases, this is preferred as playlists stay correct if the root
is moved, say, to another device or accessed remotely from another device.
For specialized cases, --absolute-paths provides an absolute path mode;
--base provides a quasi-absolute mode which substitues the root path with a
provided path (absolute root path on a destination device). For example, these
options on a Linux system:
genpl --base "M:\Music" --windows /Music
Could create a playlist with these entries:
M:\Music\Popular\Releases\Rush\2112\01 - 2112.ogg
M:\Music\Popular\Releases\Rush\2112\02 - A Passage to Bangkok.ogg
Since absolute paths are incompatible with cross-platform support, the path
convention options are not valid with --absolute-paths.
Some Linux distributions discourage installation of system-level python
packages using pip or install, due to collisions with the
system package manager. In those cases, dependencies should be installed
through the package manager, if possible, or choose a user folder
installation method.
Installing with pip
If your system has pip installed, and you have access to install software in
the system packages, then kantag kan be installed as administrator from
# pip install genpl
If you do not have access to install system packages, or do not wish to install
in the system location, it can be installed in a user folder:
$ pip install --user genpl
Installing from source
Either download a release tarball from the
Releases page, and
$ tar zxvf genpl-1.1.0.tar.gz
Or get the latest source from the git repository:
$ git clone
If you have access to install software in the system packages, then it can be
installed as administrator:
# python install
If you do not have access to install system packages, or do not wish to install
in the system location, it can be installed in a user folder:
$ python install --user
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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