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Geospatial data structures (coordinates, geometries, features, metadata),
spherical geodesy, projections and tiling schemes. Vector data format support
for GeoJSON,
and WKB.

Features #
✨ New (2024-07-26): The stable version 1.3.0 with centroid, polylabel, point-in-polygon and other cartesian 2D calculations enhanced - read more!
✨ New (2024-05-26): The new documentation website ( for the geobase
package documentation published along with the stable version 1.2.0.
✨ New (2024-04-22): Support for Newline-delimited GeoJSON, EWKT and EWKB added. Check out the blog post.

Key features:

🌐 geographic (longitude-latitude) and projected positions and bounding boxes
🧩 simple geometries (point, line string, polygon, multi point, multi line string, multi polygon, geometry collection)
πŸ“ cartesian 2D calculations (centroid, polylabel, point-in-polygon, distance).
πŸ”· features (with id, properties and geometry) and feature collections
πŸ“ spherical geodesy functions for great circle and rhumb line paths
πŸ“… temporal data structures (instant, interval) and spatial extents
πŸ“ƒ vector data formats supported (GeoJSON, Newline-delimited GeoJSON, WKT, WKB
πŸ—ΊοΈ coordinate projections (web mercator + based on the external proj4dart library)
πŸ”’ tiling schemes and tile matrix sets (web mercator, global geodetic)

Documentation #
Comprehensive guidance on how to use this package and about
Geospatial tools for Dart (the package is part of) is available on the website.
Shortcuts to the geobase
package documentation by chapters:

πŸ“ Coordinates
🧩 Simple geometries
πŸ“ Geometry calculations
πŸ”· Geospatial features
πŸ“ƒ Vector formats
πŸ“… Metadata
πŸ—ΊοΈ Projections
πŸ“ Spherical geodesy
πŸ”’ Tiling schemes

See also overview topics about Geospatial tools for Dart:

⛳️ Getting started
πŸ“– Introduction
πŸ’Ό Code project
πŸ“š API documentation

Introduction #
General purpose positions, series of positions and bounding boxes:
// A position as a view on a coordinate array containing x and y.
Position.view([708221.0, 5707225.0]);

// The sample above shorted.
[708221.0, 5707225.0].xy;

// A bounding box.
Box.view([70800.0, 5707200.0, 70900.0, 5707300.0]);

// A series of positions from an array of position objects.
[70800.0, 5707200.0].xy, // position 0 with (x, y) coordinate values
[70850.0, 5707250.0].xy, // position 1 with (x, y) coordinate values
[70900.0, 5707300.0].xy, // position 2 with (x, y) coordinate values
type: Coords.xy,
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Geographic and projected positions and bounding boxes:
// A geographic position without and with an elevation.
Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778);
Geographic(lon: -0.0014, lat: 51.4778, elev: 45.0);

// A projected position without and with z.
Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0);
Projected(x: 708221.0, y: 5707225.0, z: 45.0);

// Geographic and projected bounding boxes.
GeoBox(west: -20, south: 50, east: 20, north: 60);
GeoBox(west: -20, south: 50, minElev: 100, east: 20, north: 60, maxElev: 200);
ProjBox(minX: 10, minY: 10, maxX: 20, maxY: 20);

// Positions and bounding boxes can be also built from an array or parsed.[-0.0014, 51.4778]);
Geographic.parse('-0.0014 51.4778', delimiter: ' ');
Geographic.parseDms(lon: '0Β° 00β€² 05β€³ W', lat: '51Β° 28β€² 40β€³ N');[-20, 50, 100, 20, 60, 200]);
GeoBox.parseDms(west: '20Β°W', south: '50Β°N', east: '20Β°E', north: '60Β°N');
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Coordinates for pixels and tiles in tiling schemes:
// Projected coordinates to represent *pixels* or *tiles* in tiling schemes.
Scalable2i(zoom: 9, x: 23, y: 10);
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Spherical geodesy functions for great circle (shown below) and rhumb line
final greenwich = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '51Β°28β€²40β€³ N', lon: '0Β°00β€²05β€³ W');
final sydney = Geographic.parseDms(lat: '33.8688Β° S', lon: '151.2093Β° E');

// Distance (~ 16988 km)

// Initial and final bearing: 61Β° -> 139Β°

// Destination point (10 km to bearing 61Β°): 51Β°β€―31.3β€²β€―N, 0Β°β€―07.5β€²β€―E
greenwich.spherical.destinationPoint(distance: 10000, bearing: 61.0);

// Midpoint: 28Β°β€―34.0β€²β€―N, 104Β°β€―41.6β€²β€―E
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Geometry primitive and multi geometry objects:
// A point with a 2D position.[30.0, 10.0]);

// A line string (polyline) with three 2D positions.[30, 10, 10, 30, 40, 40]);

// A polygon with an exterior ring (and without any holes).[
[30, 10, 40, 40, 20, 40, 10, 20, 30, 10]

// A polygon with an exterior ring and an interior ring as a hole.[
[35, 10, 45, 45, 15, 40, 10, 20, 35, 10],
[20, 30, 35, 35, 30, 20, 20, 30],

// A multi point with four points:[
[10, 40],
[40, 30],
[20, 20],
[30, 10]

// A multi line string with two line strings (polylines):[
[10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 40],
[40, 40, 30, 30, 40, 20, 30, 10]

// A multi polygon with two polygons both with an outer ring (without holes).[
[30, 20, 45, 40, 10, 40, 30, 20],
[15, 5, 40, 10, 10, 20, 5, 10, 15, 5],

// A geometry collection with a point, a line string and a polygon.
GeometryCollection([[30.0, 10.0]),[10, 10, 20, 20, 10, 40]),[
[40, 40, 20, 45, 45, 30, 40, 40],
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Primitive geometries introduced above contain geographic or projected positions:

Point with a single position
LineString with a chain of positions (at least two positions)
Polygon with an array of linear rings (exactly one exterior and 0 to N interior rings with each ring being a closed chain of positions)

In previous samples position data (chains of positions) is NOT modeled as
iterables of position objects, but as a flat structure represented by arrays of
coordinate values, for example:

2D position arrays: [x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, ...]
3D position arrays: [x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ...]

To distinguish between arrays of different spatial dimensions you can use
Coords enum:[30, 10, 10, 30, 40, 40]); // default type == Coords.xy[30, 10, 10, 30, 40, 40], type: Coords.xy);[30, 10, 5.5, 10, 30, 5.5, 40, 40, 5.5], type:;
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GeoJSON, WKT and WKB formats are supported as input and output:
// Parse a geometry from GeoJSON text.
final geometry = LineString.parse(
'{"type": "LineString", "coordinates": [[30,10],[10,30],[40,40]]}',
format: GeoJSON.geometry,

// Encode a geometry as GeoJSON text.
print(geometry.toText(format: GeoJSON.geometry));

// Encode a geometry as WKT text.
print(geometry.toText(format: WKT.geometry));

// Encode a geometry as WKB bytes.
final bytes = geometry.toBytes(format: WKB.geometry);

// Decode a geometry from WKB bytes.
LineString.decode(bytes, format: WKB.geometry);
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Features represent geospatial entities with properies and geometries:
id: 'ROG',
// a point geometry with a position (lon, lat, elev)
geometry:[-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]),
properties: {
'title': 'Royal Observatory',
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The GeoJSON format is supported as text input and output for features:
final feature = Feature.parse(
"type": "Feature",
"id": "ROG",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.0014, 51.4778, 45.0]
"properties": {
"title": "Royal Observatory"
format: GeoJSON.feature,
print(feature.toText(format: GeoJSON.feature));
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Collections of feature objects are modeled as FeatureCollection objects. See
the chapter about geospatial features for more
Temporal instants and intervals, and geospatial extents:
// An instant and three intervals (open-started, open-ended, closed).
Instant.parse('2020-10-31 09:30Z');

// An extent with spatial (WGS 84 longitude-latitude) and temporal parts.
crs: CoordRefSys.CRS84,
bbox: GeoBox(west: -20.0, south: 50.0, east: 20.0, north: 60.0),
interval: Interval.parse('../2020-10-31'),
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Coordinate projections, tiling schemes (web mercator, global geodetic) and
coordinate array classes are some of the more advanced topics not introduced
here. Please see separate chapters about projections,
tiling schemes and coordinate arrays to
learn about them.
Usage #
The package requires at least Dart SDK 2.17, and it
supports all Dart and Flutter
Add the dependency in your pubspec.yaml:
geobase: ^1.3.0
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Import it:
import `package:geobase/geobase.dart`
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There are also partial packages containing only a certain subset. See the
Packages section below.
Other resources:

πŸ“š Web APIs: See also the geodata
package that extends capabilities of geobase by providing geospatial API
clients to read GeoJSON data sources and
OGC API Features web services.
πŸš€ Samples:
The Geospatial demos for Dart
repository contains more sample code showing also how to use this package!

Reference #
Documentation #
Please see the
website for the geobase
package documentation.
Packages #
The geobase library contains also following partial packages, that can be
used to import only a certain subset instead of the whole geobase package:


Common codes, constants, functions, presentation helpers and reference systems related to geospatial applications.

Position, bounding box and positions series (with coordinate arrays).

Spherical geodesy functions for great circle and rhumb line paths.

Cartesian 2D calculations (centroid, polylabel, point-in-polygon, distance).

Temporal data structures (instant, interval) and spatial extents.

Geospatial projections (currently only between WGS84 and Web Mercator).

Projections provided by the external proj4dart package.

Tiling schemes and tile matrix sets (web mercator, global geodetic).

Text and binary formats for vector data (features, geometries, coordinates).

Data structures for geometries, features and feature collections.

External packages geobase is depending on:

collections for priority queues and collection utilities
equatable for equality and hash utils
meta for annotations
proj4dart for coordinate projections

Authors #
This project is authored by Navibyte.
More information and other links are available at the
geospatial repository from GitHub.
License #
This project is licensed under the "BSD-3-Clause"-style license.
Please see the
Derivative work #
This project contains portions of derivative work.
See details about DERIVATIVE work.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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