Getbc 0.4.0 | Coderz Product

getbc 0.4.0

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getbc 0.4.0

What the program does
This program's primary responsibilty is to make installing bomcheckgui
to a person's local computer easy. It creates a virtual environment
for bomcheckgui and installs bomcheckgui and its dependencies there,
and creates a desktop link to bomcheckgui. It can also check for
program upgrades and can uninstall bomcheckgui. Note: this program
only works on Microsoft Windows, and only works with a standard python
installation as compared to a variation of python like the Anaconda
python distribution.
How to install
Assuming that you already have Python on your machine, use the package
manager software pip
that comes with Python and run this from a command line:
pip install getbc
Once installed, run getbc from a cmd module. When you run it, it will
give instruction on how to proceed.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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