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ggdrive 0.1.4
A command-line script for Google Drive, for downloading and uploading files directly from the terminal.
Important note: This project requires Google API credentials. That credential file enables the use of Google APIs by this application, and allows the user to login and allow (or deny) the application to access the user's Google Drive files. At this moment, we're not providing the credentials.json needed for this to work, so if you want to use this code, you need to go to Google's Developer Console, create a project, and create the OAuth credentials for it, allowing for scopes "drive" and "drive.metadata". You can download the credentials.json and use it here.
After downloading your credentials.json, go to to your home folder, create a directory called .gdrive, and put your credentials.json file in there.
The first time you're executing this, a Google page will open and ask for your account, so it can integrate with your Google Drive account, and then it will ask if you give permission to the app. Once you agree, you're all set.
Install through pip (recommended)
python3 -m pip install ggdrive
That's it! You can advance to Usage
... Or install manually
This project requires:
Python 3.6 or greater.
Google Client Library
1. Clone this repository
git clone
git clone
2. Install dependencies
We created a requirements.txt where you can execute the following to install the needed libs:
pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt
3. If the script gdrive doesn't have execution permission, give it to it.
chmod +x gdrive
4. Add to PATH environment variable (optional, recommended)
You can add this repo folder to you path, so you can execute gdrive from anywhere on your terminal. Open your .bashrc or similar and add one of the following options:
export PATH=$PATH:'<path-to-repo-folder>'
alias gdrive='<path-to-repo-folder>/gdrive
Available functions:
1. Upload
gdrive upload --help
gdrive upload <file-to-upload>
2. Download
gdrive download --help
You can download a file passing either the id, or the name of your file
gdrive download <(fileId/filename)-to-download>
To explicitly download via the id, use one of the following:
gdrive download -i <id-of-file-to-download>
gdrive download --id <id-of-file-to-download>
To download a file via its name, use one of the following:
gdrive download -n <name-of-file-to-download>
gdrive download --name <name-of-file-to-download>
If you're sure that the file that you want to download is the last one that was modified, just use one of the following:
gdrive download -l
gdrive download --last
If the file is a compressed one, you can try extracting it as soon as it finished downloading by using the extract option (This option is to be used in combination with one of the above):
gdrive download -le
gdrive download -ei <id-of-file-to-download>
gdrive download -en <name-of-file-to-download>
gdrive download --last --extract
The extract function needs some extra programs to execute. We implement a mechanism that tries to guess the extension of the file you're downloading and use the program you define to extract it. So, the first time you try to download a file of a certain type, when it's time to extract the file, our program will ask you which program you want to choose. After that, if you download a file with this same extension, it will extract it automatically (if you added the --extract option).
Those configurations are located with your other files that we need in the .gdrive in your HOME directory. The file is called data_config.json
"configs": [
"ext": "application/x-tar",
"encoding": "gzip",
"prog": "tar",
"attrs": "xzvf"
"ext": null,
"encoding": "gzip",
"prog": "gunzip",
"attrs": null
"ext": "application/x-tar",
"encoding": null,
"prog": "tar",
"attrs": "xvf"
3. List
gdrive list
gdrive list --help
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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