Gh Webhooks 0.6.0 | Coderz Product

gh-webhooks 0.6.0

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ghwebhooks 0.6.0

Typed event handling for GitHub Webhooks

This library provides types for using GitHub Webhook events in Python, and a class for registering event handlers for each event type.
An example using FastAPI:
from fastapi import FastAPI, Request
from gh_webhooks import GhWebhookEventHandler
from gh_webhooks.types import BranchProtectionRuleCreated

app = FastAPI()
event_handler = GhWebhookEventHandler()

async def handle_new_branch_protection_rule(event: BranchProtectionRuleCreated):
async def handle_webhook_payload(request: Request):
event = await request.json()
await event_handler.handle_event(event)

You can also see a basic example project here.
Multiple handlers can be registered to the same event type, and they'll run concurrently.
The types are auto-generated using datamodel-code-generator.
A GitHub action maintains these types automatically.
Integration tests are also auto-generated from the example events in the GitHub Webhook events spec docs.
Install Poetry and poetry install the project
Useful Commands
Note: if Poetry is managing a virtual environment for you, you may need to use poetry run poe instead of poe

poe autoformat - Autoformat code
poe lint - Lint code
poe test - Run tests
poe docs - Build docs
poe codegen - Generate types

Release a new version by manually running the release action on GitHub with a 'major', 'minor', or 'patch' version bump selected.
This will create and push a new semver tag of the format v1.2.3, which in turn will trigger an action to automatically publish a new version to PyPI.
Optionally create a release from this new tag to let users know what changed.


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