Ghrepo 0.7.0 | Coderz Product

ghrepo 0.7.0

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ghrepo 0.7.0

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ghrepo extracts a GitHub repository’s owner & name from various GitHub URL
formats (or just from a string of the form OWNER/REPONAME or REPONAME),
and the resulting object provides properties for going in reverse to determine
the possible URLs. Also included is a function for determining the GitHub
owner & name for a local Git repository, plus a couple of other useful Git
repository inspection functions.

ghrepo requires Python 3.7 or higher. Just use pip for Python 3 (You have pip, right?) to install it:
python3 -m pip install ghrepo


class GHRepo(typing.NamedTuple):
owner: str
name: str
A pair of a GitHub repository’s owner and base name. Stringifying a GHRepo
instance produces a repository “fullname” of the form {owner}/{name}.
property api_url: str
The base URL for accessing the repository via the GitHub REST API; this is a
string of the form{owner}/{name}.
property clone_url: str
The URL for cloning the repository over HTTPS
property git_url: str
The URL for cloning the repository via the native Git protocol
property html_url: str
The URL for the repository’s web interface
property ssh_url: str
The URL for cloning the repository over SSH
classmethod parse_url(url: str) -> GHRepo
Parse a GitHub repository URL. The following URL formats are recognized:


All other formats produce a ValueError.
classmethod parse(
spec: str,
default_owner: Optional[Union[str, Callable[[], str]]] = None,
) -> GHRepo
Parse a GitHub repository specifier. This can be either a URL (as accepted by
parse_url()) or a string in the form {owner}/{name}. If
default_owner is specified (as either a string or a zero-argument callable
that returns a string), strings that are just a repository name are also
accepted, and the resulting GHRepo instances will have their owner set
to the given value.

Functions & Constants
Note: All of the functions require Git to be installed in order to work. I
am not certain of the minimal viable Git version, but the functions should work
with any Git as least as far back as version 1.7.
get_local_repo(dirpath: Optional[AnyPath] = None, remote: str = "origin") -> GHRepo
Determine the GitHub repository for the Git repository located at or containing
the directory dirpath (default: the current directory) by parsing the URL
for the specified remote. parsing the URL for the specified remote. Raises
NoSuchRemoteError if the given remote does not exist. Raises
subprocess.CalledProcessError if a different Git error occurs, such as the
given path not being in a Git repository.
get_branch_upstream(branch: str, dirpath: Optional[AnyPath] = None) -> GHRepo
(New in version 0.5.0) Determine the GitHub repository for the upstream
remote of the given branch in the Git repository located at or containing the
directory dirpath (default: the current directory).
Raises NoUpstreamError if the given branch does not have an upstream remote
configured (This includes the situation in which the branch does not exist).
Raises subprocess.CalledProcessError if a different Git error occurs, such
as the given path not being in a Git repository.
get_current_branch(dirpath: Optional[AnyPath] = None) -> str
Get the current branch for the Git repository located at or containing the
directory dirpath (default: the current directory). Raises
DetachedHeadError if the repository is in a detached HEAD state.
Raises subprocess.CalledProcessError if a different Git error occurs, such
as the given path not being in a Git repository.
is_git_repo(dirpath: Optional[AnyPath] = None) -> bool
Tests whether the given directory (default: the current directory) is either a
Git repository or contained in one
A regular expression string (unanchored) for a valid GitHub username or
organization name.
A regular expression string (unanchored) for a valid GitHub repository name
(without “.git” extension).

class DetachedHeadError(Exception)
(New in version 0.6.0) Raised by get_current_branch() if the Git
repository is in a detached HEAD state
class NoSuchRemoteError(Exception)
(New in version 0.6.0) Raised by get_local_repo() when the given remote
does not exist in the GitHub repository. The queried remote is available as
the remote attribute.
class NoUpstreamError(Exception)
(New in version 0.6.0) Raised by get_branch_upstream() if the given
branch does not have a remote configured. The queried branch is available as
the branch attribute.

ghrepo also provides a command of the same name for getting the GitHub
repository associated with a local Git repository:
ghrepo [<options>] [<dirpath>]
By default, the ghrepo command just outputs the repository “fullname” (a
string of the form {owner}/{name}). If the -J or --json option is
supplied, a JSON object is instead output, containing fields for the repository
owner, name, fullname, and individual URLs, like so:
"owner": "jwodder",
"name": "ghrepo",
"fullname": "jwodder/ghrepo",
"api_url": "",
"clone_url": "",
"git_url": "git://",
"html_url": "",
"ssh_url": ""


-J, --json
Output JSON

-r REMOTE, --remote REMOTE
Parse the GitHub URL from the given remote
[default: origin]


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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