Ghx 0.1.1 | Coderz Product

ghx 0.1.1

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ghx 0.1.1

Run scripts from GitHub, npx-style.

ghx rshk/ghx-example
In its most basic form, it will make a shallow copy of the specified
GitHub repository and run a script from it.
By default, it will look for an executable named bin/run inside
the repo folder.
Run a different script:
ghx rshk/ghx-example/bin/two
Or from a different branch:
ghx -b foobar rshk/ghx-example

You need a Python 3 interpreter and pip installed.
pip install ghx
Or install in the user home directory (usually ~/.local):
pip install --user ghx
(Make sure you have ~/.local/bin in your PATH)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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