Giskard Toolbox 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

giskard-toolbox 0.1.0

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giskardtoolbox 0.1.0

A random collection of tools I find useful for data science. A.K.A. my helpful robot
companion (the name comes from the Robot series).
For the most part these are functions, classes, etc. that I have found useful in more
than one project, so I decided to make a package for them for my own sanity. Some of
these functions may be PRed upstream eventually, others may not. If you find anything
in here useful please let me know as that is the best motivation to PR that
functionality into a "real" repo. If you find any issues or bugs, feel free to
make an issue.
Since I make changes to this code often I recommend installing in develop mode.
To clone from GitHub and install, from the command line do:
git clone
cd giskard
pip install -e .


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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