Git Code Debt 1.1.1 | Coderz Product

git-code-debt 1.1.1

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gitcodedebt 1.1.1

A dashboard for monitoring code debt in a git repository.
pip install git-code-debt
Basic / tl;dr Usage
make a generate_config.yaml
# required: repository to clone (can be anything `git clone` understands) even
# a repository already on disk

# required: database generation path
database: database.db

# optional: default False
skip_default_metrics: false

# optional: default []
metric_package_names: []

# optional: default ^$ (python regex) to exclude paths such as '^vendor/'
exclude: ^$

invoke the cli
# Generate code metric data (substitute your own repo path)
$ git-code-debt-generate
# Start the server
$ git-code-debt-server database.db

Updating data on an existing database
Adding data to the database is as simple as running generate again.
git-code-debt will pick up in the git history from where data was generated
$ git-code-debt-generate

Creating your own metrics

Create a python project which adds git-code-debt as a dependency.
Create a package where you'll write your metrics
Add your package to metric_package_names in your generate_config.yaml

The simplest way to write your own custom metrics is to extend
Here's what the base class looks like
class SimpleLineCounterBase(DiffParserBase):
# ...

def should_include_file(self, file_diff_stat: FileDiffStat) -> bool:
"""Implement me to return whether a filename should be included.
By default, this returns True.

:param FileDiffStat file_diff_stat:
return True

def line_matches_metric(self, line: bytes, file_diff_stat: FileDiffStat) -> bool:
"""Implement me to return whether a line matches the metric.

:param bytes line: Line in the file
:param FileDiffStat file_diff_stat:
raise NotImplementedError

Here's an example metric
from git_code_debt.metrics.base import SimpleLineCounterBase

class Python__init__LineCount(SimpleLineCounterBase):
"""Counts the number of lines in"""

def should_include_file(self, file_diff_stat: FileDiffStat) -> bool:
return file_diff_stat.filename == b''

def line_matches_metric(self, line: bytes, file_diff_stat -> FileDiffStat) -> bool:
# All lines in match
return True

An additional class is provided which feeds lines as text
(SimpleLineCounterBase presents them as bytes): TextLineCounterBase.
Here is an example metric using that base class:
from git_code_debt.metrics.base import TextLineCounterBase

class XXXLineCount(TextLineCounterBase):
"""Counts the number of lines which are XXX comments"""

def text_line_matches_metric(self, line: str, file_diff_stat: FileDiffStat) -> bool:
return '# XXX' in line

More complex metrics can extend DiffParserBase
class DiffParserBase(object):
# Specify __metric__ = False to not be included (useful for base classes)
__metric__ = False

def get_metrics_from_stat(self, commit: Commit, file_diff_stats: Tuple[FileDiffStat, ...]) -> bool:
"""Implement me to yield Metric objects from the input list of
FileStat objects.

commit - Commit object
file_diff_stats - list of FileDiffStat objects

generator of Metric objects
raise NotImplementedError

def get_metrics_info(self) -> List[MetricInfo]:
"""Implement me to yield `MetricInfo` objects."""
raise NotImplementedError

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