Git Fame 2.0.1 | Coderz Product

git-fame 2.0.1

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gitfame 2.0.1

Pretty-print git repository collaborators sorted by contributions.

~$ git fame --cost hour,month --loc ins
Processing: 100%|██████████████████████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00, 2.16repo/s]
Total commits: 1775
Total ctimes: 2770
Total files: 461
Total hours: 449.7
Total loc: 41659
Total months: 151.0
| Author | hrs | mths | loc | coms | fils | distribution |
| Casper da Costa-Luis | 228 | 108 | 28572 | 1314 | 172 | 68.6/74.0/37.3 |
| Stephen Larroque | 28 | 18 | 5243 | 203 | 25 | 12.6/11.4/ 5.4 |
| pgajdos | 2 | 9 | 2606 | 2 | 18 | 6.3/ 0.1/ 3.9 |
| Martin Zugnoni | 2 | 5 | 1656 | 3 | 3 | 4.0/ 0.2/ 0.7 |
| Kyle Altendorf | 7 | 2 | 541 | 31 | 7 | 1.3/ 1.7/ 1.5 |
| Hadrien Mary | 5 | 1 | 469 | 31 | 17 | 1.1/ 1.7/ 3.7 |
| Richard Sheridan | 2 | 1 | 437 | 23 | 3 | 1.0/ 1.3/ 0.7 |
| Guangshuo Chen | 3 | 1 | 321 | 18 | 7 | 0.8/ 1.0/ 1.5 |
| Noam Yorav-Raphael | 4 | 1 | 229 | 11 | 6 | 0.5/ 0.6/ 1.3 |
| github-actions[bot] | 2 | 1 | 186 | 1 | 51 | 0.4/ 0.1/11.1 |
The distribution column is a percentage breakdown of loc/coms/fils.
(e.g. in the table above, Casper has written surviving code in
172/461 = 37.3% of all files).

Table of contents


Latest PyPI stable release
Latest development release on GitHub
Latest Conda release
Latest Snapcraft release
Latest Docker release
Register alias with git
Tab completion




Zenodo config



Latest PyPI stable release

pip install git-fame

Latest development release on GitHub

Pull and install:
pip install "git+"

Latest Conda release

conda install -c conda-forge git-fame

Latest Snapcraft release

snap install git-fame

Latest Docker release

docker pull casperdcl/git-fame
docker run --rm casperdcl/git-fame --help
docker run --rm -v </local/path/to/repository>:/repo casperdcl/git-fame

Register alias with git
On Windows, run:
git config --global alias.fame "!python -m gitfame"
This is probably not necessary on UNIX systems.
If git fame doesn’t work after restarting the terminal on Linux & Mac OS, try (with single quotes):
git config --global alias.fame '!python -m gitfame'

Tab completion
Optionally, systems with bash-completion can install tab completion
support. The
file needs to be copied to an appropriate folder.
On Ubuntu, the procedure would be:
$ # Ensure completion works for `git` itself
$ sudo apt-get install bash-completion

$ # Install `git fame` completions
$ sudo wget \ \
-O /etc/bash_completion.d/git-fame_completion.bash
followed by a terminal restart.

The list of all changes is available on the Releases page: .

git fame # If alias registered with git (see above)
git-fame # Alternative execution as python console script
python -m gitfame # Alternative execution as python module
git-fame -h # Print help
For example, to print statistics regarding all source files in a C++/CUDA
repository (*.c/h/t(pp), *.cu(h)), carefully handling whitespace and line
git fame --incl '\.[cht][puh]{0,2}$' -twMC
It is also possible to run from within a python shell or script.
>>> import gitfame
>>> gitfame.main(['--sort=commits', '-wt', '/path/to/my/repo'])


git-fame [--help | options] [<gitdir>...]

<gitdir> Git directory [default: ./].
May be specified multiple times to aggregate across
multiple repositories.

-h, --help Print this help and exit.
-v, --version Print module version and exit.
--branch=<b> Branch or tag [default: HEAD] up to which to check.
--sort=<key> [default: loc]|commits|files|hours|months.
--loc=<type> surv(iving)|ins(ertions)|del(etions)
What `loc` represents. Use 'ins,del' to count both.
defaults to 'surviving' unless `--cost` is specified.
--excl=<f> Excluded files (default: None).
In no-regex mode, may be a comma-separated list.
Escape (\,) for a literal comma (may require \\, in shell).
--incl=<f> Included files [default: .*]. See `--excl` for format.
--since=<date> Date from which to check. Can be absoulte (eg: 1970-01-31)
or relative to now (eg: 3.weeks).
--cost=<method> Include time cost in person-months (COCOMO) or
person-hours (based on commit times).
Methods: month(s)|cocomo|hour(s)|commit(s).
May be multiple comma-separated values.
Alters `--loc` default to imply 'ins' (COCOMO) or
'ins,del' (hours).
-R, --recurse Recursively find repositories & submodules within <gitdir>.
-n, --no-regex Assume <f> are comma-separated exact matches
rather than regular expressions [default: False].
NB: if regex is enabled ',' is equivalent to '|'.
-s, --silent-progress Suppress `tqdm` [default: False].
--warn-binary Don't silently skip files which appear to be binary data
[default: False].
-e, --show-email Show author email instead of name [default: False].
--enum Show row numbers [default: False].
-t, --bytype Show stats per file extension [default: False].
-w, --ignore-whitespace Ignore whitespace when comparing the parent's
version and the child's to find where the lines
came from [default: False].
-M Detect intra-file line moves and copies [default: False].
-C Detect inter-file line moves and copies [default: False].
--ignore-rev=<rev> Ignore changes made by the given revision
(requires `--loc=surviving`).
--ignore-revs-file=<f> Ignore revisions listed in the given file
(requires `--loc=surviving`).
--format=<format> Table format
[default: pipe]|md|markdown|yaml|yml|json|csv|tsv|tabulate.
May require `git-fame[<format>]`, e.g. `pip install git-fame[yaml]`.
Any `tabulate.tabulate_formats` is also accepted.
--manpath=<path> Directory in which to install git-fame man pages.
If multiple user names and/or emails correspond to the same user, aggregate
git-fame statistics and maintain a git repository properly by adding a
.mailmap file.

Options such as -w, -M, and -C can increase accuracy, but take
longer to compute.
Note that specifying --sort=hours or --sort=months requires --cost
to be specified appropriately.
Note that --cost=months (--cost=COCOMO) approximates
person-months and should be used with
Meanwhile, --cost=hours (--cost=commits) approximates
Extra care should be taken when using ins and/or del for --loc
since all historical files (including those no longer surviving) are counted.
In such cases, --excl may need to be significantly extended.
On the plus side, it is faster to compute ins and del compared to


# bash syntax function for current directory git repository
for f in $(git ls-files); do
# filename
echo -n "$f "
# author emails if loc distribution >= 30%
git fame -esnwMC --incl "$f" | tr '/' '|' \
| awk -F '|' '(NR>6 && $6>=30) {print $2}' \
| xargs echo

# print to screen and file
owners | tee .github/CODEOWNERS

# same but with `tqdm` progress for large repos
owners \
| tqdm --total $(git ls-files | wc -l) \
--unit file --desc "Generating CODEOWNERS" \
> .github/CODEOWNERS

Zenodo config
Generating .zenodo.json:
git fame -wMC --format json \
| jq -c '{creators: [.data[] | {name: .[0]}]}' \
| sed -r -e 's/(\{"name")/\n \1/g' -e 's/:/: /g' \
> .zenodo.json


All source code is hosted on GitHub.
Contributions are welcome.

Open Source (OSI approved):
Citation information:


Casper da Costa-Luis (casperdcl )

We are grateful for all .


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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