Gitutils 1.12.1 | Coderz Product

gitutils 1.12.1

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gitutils 1.12.1

GitMC -- concurrent asynchronous Git Utilities for operations on massive numbers of Git repos

Platform-independent (Linux/Mac/Windows) Git utilities, useful for managing large (100+) numbers of Git repos.
Speed is an emphasis throughout, with concurrency via Python stdlib
and pipelining makes operations in effect 100x faster overall as the coroutines simultaneously wait for Git operations (particularly remote operations like "fetch" and "pull").
We have implemented individual concurrent subprocess timeout using
so that one Git operation hanging doesn't cause other Git operations to fail--this is good for when a Git login popup may go unnoticed by the human.
GitMC uses command-line Git because PyGit also requires command-line Git installed, and we don't need the advanced functionality.

Also see
for managing large (100+) numbers of users / teams.
This repo contains a
Git pre-commit script
Install Git in a way accessible from the command line line

Mac: brew install git
Linux: apt install git
Windows: command line Git.

python -m pip install -e .

: Tells of any non-master branches under directory ~/code
python -m
: list all contributor email addresses. To fix unwanted emails use Git-filter-repo
: find directories missing exact fullpath to file
: find directories matching exact fullpath to file
Sync large number of git repos
These assume numerous subdirectories under ~/code.
They work very quickly for large numbers (100+) of repos.

gitstat check if any local repos have pending changes
gitpull Git pulls all repos (suggest gitfetch instead)
gitfetch Git fetches all repos, printing a summary of files changed on remote

Place an empty file .nogit in a subdirectory to skip it.
[optional] speedup with https pull
For public repos, to make the Git remote checking go at least twice as fast, and significantly reduce the computational burden when SSH is used for git push (as is recommended), consider the "pushInsteadOf" global Git config.
To do this, when cloning a public repo (including ones you're a collaborator on), use git clone https://.
This global SSH push config one-time does SSH push for HTTPS-cloned repos:
git config --global url."ssh://".pushInsteadOf

The pattern matching can be made for all sites by omitting from the command above, or you can refine it for each site, or even for specific usernames by editing the command above.
For private repos, simply clone with SSH as usual
Preview all changed Jekyll files
This is for a website made using
ActOnChanged . -p

It shows web page previews of all pages changed locally--start the Jekyll or Hugo debug server first e.g. hugo serve


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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