Good Job | Coderz Product


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GoodJob is a multithreaded, Postgres-based, Active Job backend for Ruby on Rails.

Inspired by Delayed::Job and Que, GoodJob is designed for maximum compatibility with Ruby on Rails, Active Job, and Postgres to be simple and performant for most workloads.

  • Designed for Active Job. Complete support for async, queues, delays, priorities, timeouts, and retries with near-zero configuration.
  • Built for Rails. Fully adopts Ruby on Rails threading and code execution guidelines with Concurrent::Ruby.
  • Backed by Postgres. Relies upon Postgres integrity, session-level Advisory Locks to provide run-once safety and stay within the limits of schema.rb, and LISTEN/NOTIFY to reduce queuing latency.
  • Fully featured. Includes support for cron-like scheduled jobs, batches, concurrency and throttling controls, and a powerful Web Dashboard (check out the Demo).
  • Flexible and lightweight. Safely runnable within a single existing web process or scaled via an independent CLI process across development, test, and production environments.
  • For most workloads. Targets full-stack teams, economy-minded solo developers, and applications that enqueue 1-million jobs/day and more.


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