Google Translator | Coderz Repository


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google translator

google_translator #

A flutter plugin for adapting screen and font size.Let your UI display a reasonable layout on different screen sizes!
Usage: #
Get the Google Translation Api key: #

First you will need to start a project in Google Cloud Platform

Then Enable Google Cloud Translation API

Create a credentials key for your account..
Navigate to the API Manager section of your project dashboard,

In the drop down menu, select API key:

Add dependency: #
Please check the latest version before installation.
If there is any problem with the new version, please use the previous version
# Functionalities
google_translator: ^{latest version}
sdk: flutter
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Add the following imports to your Dart code: #
import 'package:google_translator/google_translator.dart';
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Getting Started #
First, you will need to send the API Key, allong with a few default parameters described bellow, before the calling of the translate function (we recomend to do as in the example):
void main() {
/// Required to make the `GoogleTranslatorInit` call before the `MaterialApp`

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

final String apiKey = "YOUR_GCP_API_KEY";

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GoogleTranslatorInit(apiKey,
translateFrom: Locale('pt-br'),
translateTo: Locale('en'),
// automaticDetection: , In case you don't know the user language will want to traslate,
// cacheDuration: Duration(days: 13), The duration of the cache translation.
builder: () => MaterialApp(
title: 'Flutter Demo',
theme: ThemeData(
home: MyHomePage(title: 'Página inicial de demonstração do Flutter'),
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Note: If will want to make the call before the MaterialApp, will have to add the WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(); before the runApp function.

Basic Usage #
Now, all you'll have to make is add the .translate() to all the Text you want to translate.
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title ?? "").translate(),
body: Column(
children: [
Text("Meu texto traduzido").translate(),
Text("Este texto mostra um placeholder diferente").translate("Place to Holder")
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Todo: #

❌ Add extension to RichText;
❌ Add extension to CupertinoTextField;
❌ Add extension to CupertinoSearchTextField;
❌ Add extension to CupertinoSearchTextField;
❌ Add extension to TextField;
❌ Add extension to Tooltip;
✅ Add extension to SelectableText.
❌ Migrate dio_http_cache dependency to a safer one (expecting creators to add null-safety on

Disclaimer #
This package works with cache data dio_http_cache, that, by default last's 7 days, but can be change in the GoogleTranslatorInit > cacheDuration parameter.
Issues #
Please if you see any issues, bugs, or feature requests, send to me in: GitHub issue.


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