Go2rpm 1.14.0 | Coderz Product

go2rpm 1.14.0

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go2rpm 1.14.0

go2rpm is a Python application designed to assist in the creation of RPM
specfiles for Go (Golang) projects.
It automates the process of
fetching project details, determining dependencies, and generating a specfile.

Automatic Specfile Generation: go2rpm automatically generates RPM
specfiles based on the Go project's details and structure.
Support for Various Forges: go2rpm works with different code hosting
platforms such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Pagure, and Gitea.
Up to commit level spec generation: go2rpm can create a spec file based
on a project's latest release or tag (default) or a custom version, tag, or commit.

To use go2rpm, execute the application with the necessary parameters:


-r, --rpmautospec: Use autorelease and autochangelog features (default)
-n, --no-rpmautospec: Use static release and changelog instead of rpmautospec
-L, --use-new-versioning: Enable new naming scheme for
versioned compat packages (default)
--no-use-new-versioning: Use older naming scheme for versioned compat packages
--no-auto-changelog-entry: Do not generate a changelog entry
--dynamic-buildrequires: Use dynamic BuildRequires feature (default)
-R, --no-dynamic-buildrequires: Do not use dynamic BuildRequires feature
-C, --clean: Clean cache for chosen Go import path (default)
--no-clean: Do not clean the cache
--clean-all: Clean all cached Go imports
-d, --create-directory: Save the final specfile output to NAME/NAME.spec
--name: Use a specific name for the spec file
--print-name: Print the generated package name and exit
-q, --no-spec-warnings: Exclude warning comments from generated specfile
-t, --tag: Use especified package tag
-a, --altipaths: Include alternate import paths
-c, --commit: Use especified package commit
-f, --forge: Forge URLs
-v, --version: Use especified package versions
--stdout: Print spec into stdout

# Generate specfile a project hosted on GitHub
go2rpm github.com/rhysd/actionlint

# Generate specfile for a project where import path doesn't match the repository
go2rpm --forge https://github.com/kubernetes/api k8s.io/api

# Generate specfile for a project using a specific commit
go2rpm --commit c2c7a15d6c994356c68dc7a14868c3519836286b --forge 'https://git.sr.ht/~emersion/go-scfg' 'git.sr.ht/~emersion/go-scfg'

# Generate specfile for a project using a specific version
go2rpm -v 2.1.0 github.com/hashicorp/hcl/v2

# Generate specfile with a custom name. This is useful for application packages.
go2rpm --name gh -f https://github.com/cli/cli github.com/cli/cli/v2


Python 3
Askalono (a license detection tool)
Aiohttp (for asynchronous HTTP requests)

This application is licensed under the MIT License.
Feel free to modify and distribute it in accordance with the license terms.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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