Gplayer 0.1.3 | Coderz Product

gplayer 0.1.3

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gplayer 0.1.3

I’d really appreciate any feedback.
Send an E-Mail (german or english) to claw <dot> strophob <at> gmx <dot> de or
visit the project-homepage at
where you can open a ticket (if you found a bug) or write a review or open open a discussion.
Also, I’d welcome any translator, anybody who would create RPM- or DEB-Packages,
as well as Windows-Installer.

What is the gPlayer? It is a small, “lightweight” music
Player, with a few special features.
What is the gplayer not? A system for managing music collections.
It can’t create playlists, will not do changes in the audio data
nor organize any directories.
Why another player? Because most players neither show the images properly
nor prepare the metadata free configurable, nor display the songtext, etc.,
and if they can, they will not run on my little VIA M800 because they can
way too much and eat too much resources.
I developed this Python package to play my digitized Music Collection (FLAC)
on my small, quiet (fanless) VIA EPIA M800, and I like the metadata (“tags”,
ie information such as “Artist”, “Title”, “Album”, etc.) and the cover
(also full screen) to display.
The images (cover, back cover, band photos) are stored in my FLAC files.
Sense and nonsense about this one can argue, it fills forums.
In any case, for a full screen display has a reasonable quality of the images
to be added, otherwise it’s no fun.
And this does no tool which automatically fetches the images.
How it comes then, that my buddy saw it, loved it, and so the
Program has been expanded by some modules.
In addition, my buddy uses Windows …
It’s just a player, no management of the collection! This is done by
excellent programs such as Quod Libet [2], or MP3Tag [3] in Windows.
With these programs, the metadata can be maintained, as well as fine
Playlists could be created, which are then processed by gPlayer.
With MP3Tag or easytag [4] you can easily put the images in the files.
For the ReplayGain analysis/storage I recommend RGain [5].
To display the images and data pyGame is used because IMHO it is the
thinnest and fastest performing option.
To play the audio I use the GStreamer, because he plays pretty much
everything, and has Replay Gain [1] and gapless support.
Since GStreamer requires Gtk+ anyway, I’ve used this for the GUI, too.


Thus, the gplayer has now the following features:

Replay Gain [1] is supported
Gapless (gapless playback) is supported
(important during live music or transitions)
All metadata can be displayed, which is stored in the
Audio files - freely configurable
All images (what is stored in the audio files)
can be shown. e.g. as slideshow
Lyrics can be displayed (as an additional image).
Synchronized Lyrics can be displayed (like “karaoke”)
Command line and graphical call possible
Runs on Linux and Windows
Runs on “small” computers (800 MHz with 1 GB RAM)
Is freely configurable
Plays (currently) FLAC and MP3, other formats are in the preparation
Multilingual (Translator welcome)

Of course it stands and falls with the data. What is not stored in the audio
files can not be displayed.


Python 2.6 or 2.7 –
Gtk+ 2.24 –
PyGTK 2.24 –
pyGame 1.9 –
Mutagen –
GStreamer 0.10 –
PyGST 0.10 –

Before installing: Python, GTK and PyGTK 2.24, GStreamer
and PyGST 0.10 should be installed.
Mutagen and pyGame should be installed automatically.

Just install it like any other Python package: Unpack, then (as root/with

# python install

After installation, the configuration file should be adapted.
This should be located in the user directory:

# ~/.gPlayer/gPlayer.conf

Linux example:

Windows example:
C:Dokumente und EinstellungenClaw.gPlayergPlayer.conf

Should something gone wrong during the installation,
the directory could be copied manually from the package.
Copy the contents of the package directory gplayer/data in the
directory mentioned above.

Program start
The scripts gplayer and gplayerui should have been copied during installation
in the directory /usr/local/bin or on Windows in the python subdirectory Scripts.

This is the command line part.
Basic usage is simple:

$ gplayer /PATH/TO/MY/MUSIC/

There are some options; see them by running

$ gplayer –help

Thre you go with the graphical part (Gtk+).

$ gplayerui


The following keys have a function during operation:

HOME = first song of the playlist
END = Last song of the playlist
SPACE = pause / start
LEFT / RIGHT = + / -10 seconds
Up / Down = next / previous song
ESC / Q = Quit
F = Full screen / window

Copyright (c) 2013 Thomas Korell <>


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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