Gpx | Coderz Product


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gpx #

A library for or load, manipulate, and save GPS data in GPX format (, a light-weight XML data format for the interchange of GPS data - waypoints, routes, and tracks).
View the official GPX 1.1 Schema at
Also support export from Gpx into:

KML (a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth,
CSV (not implemented yet)

Getting Started #
In your dart/flutter project add the dependency:
gpx: ^2.2.2
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Reading XML #
To read XML input use the GpxReader object and function Gpx fromString(String input):
import 'package:gpx/gpx.dart';

main() {
// create gpx from xml string
var xmlGpx = GpxReader().fromString('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
'<gpx version="1.1" creator="dart-gpx library">'
'<wpt lat="-25.7996" lon="-62.8666"><ele>10.0</ele><name>Monte Quemado</name><desc>Argentina</desc></wpt>'

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Writing XML #
To write object to XML use the GpxWriter object and function String asString(Gpx gpx, {bool pretty = false}):
import 'package:gpx/gpx.dart';

main() {
// create gpx object
var gpx = Gpx();
gpx.creator = "dart-gpx library";
gpx.wpts = [
Wpt(lat: 36.62, lon: 101.77, ele: 10.0, name: 'Xining', desc: 'China'),

// generate xml string
var gpxString = GpxWriter().asString(gpx, pretty: true);
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Export to KML #
To export object to KML use the KmlWriter object and function String asString(Gpx gpx, {bool pretty = false}):
import 'package:gpx/gpx.dart';

main() {
// create gpx object
var gpx = Gpx();
gpx.creator = "dart-gpx library";
gpx.wpts = [
Wpt(lat: 36.62, lon: 101.77, ele: 10.0, name: 'Xining', desc: 'China'),

// generate xml string
var kmlString = KmlWriter().asString(gpx, pretty: true);

// generate xml string with altitude mode - clampToGround
var kmlString = KmlWriter(altitudeMode: AltitudeMode.clampToGround)
.asString(gpx, pretty: true);
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Limitations #
This is just an initial version of the package. There are still some limitations:

No support for GPX 1.0.
Read/write only from strings.
Doesn't validate schema declarations.

Features and bugs #
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
License #
The Apache 2.0 License, see LICENSE.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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