Graph Onedrive 0.4.0 | Coderz Product

graph-onedrive 0.4.0

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graphonedrive 0.4.0

Interact with Microsoft's OneDrive service using the Graph API.
The Graph-OneDrive package facilitates the creation of OneDrive class instances which are objects that you can use to interact with OneDrive sessions. Thus multiple OneDrives can be connected to in parallel.
Functions include:

listing directories
moving, copying, and renaming files and folders
uploading and asynchronously downloading files
getting file and drive metadata including usage
getting links to files and creating sharing links

Azure app requirement
For the package to connect to the Graph API, you need to have an app registered in the Microsoft Azure Portal. The documentation provides basic guidance on how to register an app.
Note that some Microsoft work and school accounts will not allow apps to connect with them without admin consent.
The package currently requires Python 3.7 or greater.
Install and update using pip which will use the releases hosted on PyPI. Further options in the docs.
pip install -U graph-onedrive

Documentation and examples are provided on GitHub in the docs folder.
A simple example
This is a simple example using a config file. Refer to the documentation for other instance constructors including inline options.
Run this command in the terminal after installation which will create a config file in the current working directory.
graph-onedrive --configure --authenticate -f "config.json" -k "onedrive"

Save the following in a .py file in the same folder.
from graph_onedrive import OneDriveManager

# Use a context manager to manage the session
with OneDriveManager(config_path="config.json", config_key="onedrive") as my_drive:

# Print the OneDrive usage

# Upload a file to the root directory
new_file_id = my_drive.upload_file("my-photo.jpg", verbose=True)

License and Terms of Use
This project itself is subject to BSD 3-Clause License detailed in LICENSE.
The Graph API is provided by Microsoft Corporation and subject to their terms of use.

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