Gslibutils 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

gslibutils 0.1.0

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gslibutils 0.1.0

Python utilities for GSLIB parameter, input and output files
GSLIB executables use parameter, input and output files in a specific format.
gslibutils comes with the modules for importing/exporting those files and with
CLI commands for pipeline executions.
python -m pip install gslibutils

Usage as Python package
For the use of gslibutils as a Python package, a simple example is:
from gslibutils.parser import load_input_df

title, df = load_input_df("data/simple.gslib")


0 1.0
1 10.0
2 100.0
Name: var1, dtype: float64

Usage as CLI
gslibutils can run as CLI to facilitate pipelines.
To covert a gslib file into a CSV:
gslib2csv data/simple.gslib
gslib2csv data/simple.gslib --delimiter " "
gslib2csv data/simple.gslib --delimiter "," > my.csv
gslib2csv data/simple.gslib --delimiter "," --output my.csv


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