Gspread2 0.2.0 | Coderz Product

gspread2 0.2.0

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gspread2 0.2.0

A wrapper around gspread for easier usage.
Intended to provide features and syntax similar to OpenPyXL.

DISCLAIMER: This library is still under development!
Until v1.0.0 is released, assume everything is subject to change.


Cell Formatting such as Fonts, Colors and Borders
OpenPyXL functions such as iter_rows() and iter_cols()
Values are automatically applied to the sheet when updated See Issue #1


Documentation (WIP)
Filters and Pivot Tables



Install via Pip
$ pip install gspread2

Basic Usage
Getting Started
Create API credentials
Before using this library, you must log into Google Developers page and set up a Service Account,
allowing read/write access to your Google Sheets.

Head to Google Developers Console
and create a new project (or select the one you have.)

Navigate to "API & Services", "Credentials".

Click on "CREATE CREDENTIALS", "Service account" and follow through the prompts.
On the last page, create a JSON key and save it locally. You will need to import this into the library to authenticate
to the API.

Once you hit "Done", you will see the email address under "Service Accounts", make note of that email.

On your Google Sheet, hit "Share" and add the email above.

You should now have the credentials and permissions to view and edit your Google Sheet.

Load Workbook
To access a Workbook, you'll need the Google Sheet URL and the credentials file as shown above.
The following code example will return a Workbook object:
import gspread2

URL = ''
CREDENTIALS = 'path/to/json.file'

workbook = gspread2.load_workbook(URL, CREDENTIALS)

You can also import the Workbook class and initialise it with the same parameters:
from gspread2.models import Workbook

URL = ''
CREDENTIALS = 'path/to/json.file'

workbook = Workbook(URL, CREDENTIALS)

Load Worksheet
Once you have a Workbook loaded, you can access worksheets in a number of ways:
workbook = gspread2.load_workbook(URL, CREDENTIALS)
worksheet = workbook['Sheet 1']

workbook = gspread2.load_workbook(URL, CREDENTIALS)
worksheet = workbook.get_sheet_by_name('Sheet 1')

To get the first sheet (usually the active one):
workbook = gspread2.load_workbook(URL, CREDENTIALS)
worksheet =

Select Cell
You can select cells individually or iterate through columns and rows (other gspread functions are still available such
as worksheet.range())
Select an individual cell in the worksheet
cell = worksheet.cell(1, 2) # 1st row, 2nd column

cell = worksheet.cell('B1')

Returns a list of lists of cells for each row. This function is the same as found on OpenPyXL.
Arguments are as follows:

start_row (default: First row)
end_row (default: Last row)
start_col (default: First column)
end_col (default: Last column)

worksheet.iter_rows(2, 4, 3, 5)

The example above will return:
[Cell(C2), Cell(D2), Cell(E2)],
[Cell(C3), Cell(D3), Cell(E3)],
[Cell(C4), Cell(D4), Cell(E4)],

Returns a list of lists of cells for each column. This function is the same as found on OpenPyXL.
Arguments are as follows:

start_row (default: First row)
end_row (default: Last row)
start_col (default: First column)
end_col (default: Last column)

worksheet.iter_cols(2, 4, 3, 5)

The example above will return:
[Cell(C2), Cell(C3), Cell(C4)],
[Cell(D2), Cell(D3), Cell(D4)],
[Cell(E2), Cell(E3), Cell(E4)],

Edit Cells
Cell Values
Once you have retrieved your desired cells as shown above, you'll want to update the value.
On the original gspread library, you have to keep track of all the cells you modified and pass them on to
In gspread2 you do not have to pass on the cells to the function, the library will know what you modified.
cell = worksheet.cell(1, 1)
cell.value = 'New Value'

Cell Fonts
gspread does not provide any formatting features. To apply formatting to a cell, you must initialise a Font instance
from gspread2.styles import Font

cell = worksheet.cell(1, 1)
new_font = Font(
cell.font = new_font

All arguments for Font are optional and default to None.
Arguments with None as a value will be untouched on update.
Cell Fill
To apply a background color to a cell, you must initialise gspread2.styles.colors.Color
and set it to cell.fill
from gspread2.styles.colors import Color
cell = worksheet.cell(1, 1)
bg_color Color('#FF000000')
cell.fill = bg_color


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