Halon Api 0.0.6 | Coderz Product

halon-api 0.0.6

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halonapi 0.0.6

A Python wrapper for the API for Mail Transport Agent Halon build with the requests library.
The functions in the wrapper are described in doc/functions.md
in the project repository.
Please read the original Halon documentation for
complete in depth documentation on function arguments and the data returned by the API.
The wrapper is available as a PyPI package halon-api.
Install the PyPI package using pip: pip install halon-api
How to use
from halon_api import HalonAPI

h = HalonAPI(

print("Halon software version:", h.get_software_version())

If you want to use your own CA (certificate authority), you can set the environment
variable REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE to hold the path to a CA_BUNDLE. You can also pass
the pass the path to the HalonAPI object with the argument verify.
Read more in the requests documentation.
How to set up development environment.
Setup virtual environment

Make virtual python environment: python -m venv .venv
Activate environment: source .venv/bin/activate
Deactivate virtual environment (When done): deactivate

Install software

Install required packages: pip install requirements.txt
Install required packages for development: pip install requirements-dev.txt
Use pre-commit to install git hook scripts: pre-commit install

Build the PyPI package
How to build and install the PyPI package locally.

Build the package: python -m build
Install the package: pip install dist/halon-api-x.y.z.tar.gz

Generate documentation
Automated documentation of API functions can be generated by pydoc-markdown.
It will update the file doc/functions.md.

Generate markdown (from repo root): pydoc-markdown doc/pydoc-markdown.yaml


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