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hamstergtk 0.11.0
===============================hamster-gtk===============================.. image:: :target: image:: :target: .. image:: :target: :alt: Documentation StatusA GTK interface to the hamster time tracker.**IMPORTANT**At this early stage ``hamster-gtk`` is pre-alpha software. As such you are verywelcome to take it our for a spin and submit feedback, however you should notrely on it to work properly and most certainly you should not use it in anproduction environment!You have been warned.Dependencies-------------To Run the Testsuite~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- make- xvfbFirst Steps------------* Install dependencies (on debian if using virtualenvwrapper): ``apt-get install virtualenvwrapper python-gi gir1.2-gtk-3.0 libglib2.0-dev libgtk-3-dev``. If you use python 3, you will need ``python3-gi`` instead.* Create new virtual env: ``mkvirtualenv hamster-gtk``* Activate env: ``workon hamster-gtk``* Activate system site dirs: ``toggleglobalsitepackages``. Otherwise you will have no access to Gtk.* Install ``hamster-gtk``: ``pip install hamster-gtk``.* Run the little furball: ``hamster-gtk``Some notes:* Preference changes will only be applied at the next start right now.* Exported data is tab seperated.* This is pre-alpha software!News: Version 0.11.0----------------------This release introduces refines various aspects of your *Hamster-GTK* experience.Whilst we introduce no new major dialogs (just a simple about-dialog). Wecatch up with the lastest version of ``hamster-lib``, ``0.12.0``. The mostnoteworthy change for user is probably the ability to use whitespaces with your````. Besides that we fixed some rather anoying bugs as well ascontinued to refine the codebase. All in all, while still not big on features,this release should feel much more stable and reliable. This is not the leastdue to multiple contributions by ``jtojnar``, thanks for that!As ususal, for more changes and details, please refer to the changelog.Happy tracking; Eric.`History========0.11.0 (2016-10-03)--------------------- Config changes are now applied at runtime (Fixes: #57).- ``PreferencesDialog`` and its widgets moved to seperate sub-package (PR: #83).- ``facts_changed`` Signal has been renamed to ``facts-changed`` (Fixes: #51).- ``Overview._charts`` gets destroyed on ``refresh`` (Closes: #106).- *Show more* button in overview is inactive if there are no facts at all (Closes: #105).- Improved contrast for ``date colour`` in overview with dark themes (Closes: #93).- ``hamster_gtk.misc.dialogs`` has been split into multiple sub-modules (Closes: #96).- Test setup makes use of ``xvfb`` (Closes: #95).- ``tox`` tests against ``python3`` instead more specific python 3 versions (PR: #92).- Add new helper function ``hamster_gtk.helpers.get_parent_window`` (Closes: #60).- Fix ``EditDialog`` for uncategoriezed facts (Closes: #59).- Replace GTK stock buttons with generic label buttons (Closes: #46).- Escape values inserted as markup (Closes: #78).- Move CSS into seperate file (Closes: #4).- Add new function ``hamster_gtk.helpers.get_resource_path`` (PR: #81).- Add basic ``AboutDialog`` (Closes: #17).- Minor fixes and refinements.0.10.0 (2016-07-21)---------------------* First release on PyPI.
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