Happier 0.1.0 | Coderz Product

happier 0.1.0

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happier 0.1.0

A Python development tool that makes you Happier.
Happier formats, lints and sorts your imports. Happier is opinionated,
simple and just works, making you hopefully happier.
To run it just type happier and your code will be formatted.

What Happier does
Happier does a number of things with your code. First it runs
isort to sort your imports and properly format them.
After having sorted them it runs autoflake to remove unused things.
Finally having done all of that it runs black to format the code nicely.

Why Happier
Happier was developed by myself, William Rudenmalm (https://whn.se)
because I felt that Python was falling behind on automatically
formatting and fixing my code. All the parts where already there I
just needed those 50 lines of code to tie it all together.
With well-wishes and hopes for brigther days ahead in these troubled
~William Rudenmalm
Stockholm, 22 June, 2020


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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