Help2man 0.0.9 | Coderz Product

help2man 0.0.9

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help2man 0.0.9


Convert --help and --version to man page.
Similar Projects

GNU help2man Generate manpage for
any program with --help and --version. Written in perl.
click-man Generate manpage for
click-based python program. Written in python.
cli2man Generate manpage and
markdown for any program with --help and --version. Written in python.
This project: Generate manpage, markdown or any format (if you provide
a jinja template) for
any program with --help and --version or any argparse-based python

This a python version of GNU help2man. It
solves the following problems[^email]:
GNU help2man cannot convert argparse correctly
Because argparse outputs:
usage: help2man [-h] ...
executable ...

Convert --help and --version to man page.

positional arguments:
executable executable program name

-h show this help message and exit

help2man will ignore positional arguments: and options: because it only
detect Options:. And it only detect first line as synopsis and detect other
lines as description incorrectly.
GNU help2man cannot customize template
I provide help2man --template XXX and help2man --template-file XXX to do
it. The template language is
jinja2. See
as examples.
GNU help2man don't provide any programming API
Now you can use it in python. If you want to generate man pages automatically
when you build a python project, you can see
See document to know more.
[^email]: I send email to the author of GNU help2man but got no response.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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