Hesspix 0.2.1 | Coderz Product

hesspix 0.2.1

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hesspix 0.2.1

hesspix is a tiny library to read HESS pixel info from ROOT files. No ROOT
is required.

hesspix is a registered Python package. It can be installed using pip:
pip install hesspix
To install the latest development version from the Git repository:
pip install git+https://github.com/tamasgal/hesspix

It’s as easy as:
>>> import hesspix as hp

>>> r = hp.CT5Reader("gamma_20deg_180deg_run4151.dst.root")
accessing events via a global index, as written in the ROOT branch:
>>> r[0]
Event 801 (bunch 0) [10 pixels]

>>> r[23]
Event 19607 (bunch 0) [3 pixels]
Grabbing an event with a given event number and bunch number:
>>> r.get(event_nr=3902, bunch_nr=0)
Event 3902 (bunch 0) [18 pixels]

>>> event = r.get(event_nr=3902, bunch_nr=0)
The pixel information is stored in pixinfo:
>>> event.pixinfo
rec.array([( 352, 18.27153 , 3, 20.9375 ),
( 353, 23.193665, 3, 21.703125),
( 355, 11.846128, 3, 22.171875),
( 357, 15.300814, 3, 21.5 ),
( 513, 8.219065, 3, 21.046875),
(1296, 15.051192, 3, 19.890625),
(1299, 9.525627, 3, 19.265625),
(1302, 9.479142, 3, 20.21875 ),
(1304, 14.532091, 3, 21.171875),
(1306, 22.21212 , 3, 21.46875 ),
(1307, 11.263601, 3, 20.953125),
(1316, 16.932125, 3, 20.046875),
(1318, 13.045629, 3, 21.515625),
(1324, 13.618393, 3, 20.75 ),
(1325, 12.267553, 3, 20.953125),
(1329, 8.492023, 3, 21.921875),
(1339, 10.908205, 3, 20.953125),
(1341, 21.191723, 3, 21.546875)],
dtype=[('id', '<i4'), ('intensity', '>f4'), ('channel', 'i1'), ('time', '>f4')])
as a simple NumPy RecArray (struct of arrays):
>>> event.pixinfo.intensity
array([18.27153 , 23.193665, 11.846128, 15.300814, 8.219065, 15.051192,
9.525627, 9.479142, 14.532091, 22.21212 , 11.263601, 16.932125,
13.045629, 13.618393, 12.267553, 8.492023, 10.908205, 21.191723],
Accessing individual elements yields “struct-like” instances:
>>> event.pixinfo[4]
(513, 8.219065, 3, 21.046875)

>>> event.pixinfo[4].time

>>> event.pixinfo[4].channel
Iterating through all the events in the file can be done with:
>>> for event in r:

Created with ``cookiecutter https://git.km3net.de/templates/python-project``


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