Highlight Text | Coderz Product


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highlight text

Highlight Text Plugin #
A flutter package to highlight words from a text.
Usage #
To use this package, add highlight_text as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Getting Started #
With this package you can highlight words and create specific actions for each highlighted word, you can customize the style of each word separately or create a unique style for all of them, you can also customize the style of the rest of the text.
Example #
Import the highlight library
import 'package:highlight_text/highlight_text.dart';
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You should use the HighlightedWord class to specify the dictionary words in a Map object
Map<String, HighlightedWord> words = {
"Flutter": HighlightedWord(
onTap: () {
textStyle: textStyle,
"open-source": HighlightedWord(
onTap: () {
textStyle: textStyle,
"Android": HighlightedWord(
onTap: () {
textStyle: textStyle,
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Now you can call the TextHighlight widget
text: text, // You need to pass the string you want the highlights
words: words, // Your dictionary words
textStyle: TextStyle( // You can set the general style, like a Text()
fontSize: 20.0,
color: Colors.black,
textAlign: TextAlign.justify, // You can use any attribute of the RichText widget
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1.1.0 Update #
Now you can customize better the words you highlight, just like a Container.
It was added decoration and padding fields to HighlightedWord object, so you can do whatever you want to customize it.
onTap: () {},
textStyle: textStyle,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
color: Colors.green,
borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(50),
padding: EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
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1.2.0 Breaking changes #
enableCaseSensitive renamed to matchCase to be clearer about what it does
text: text,
words: words,
matchCase: true // will highlight only exactly the same string
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