Himawari Api 0.0.2 | Coderz Product

himawari-api 0.0.2

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himawariapi 0.0.2

Welcome to HIMAWARI API - An API to download and search HIMAWARI satellite data.

The HIMAWARI-API is still in development. Feel free to try it out and to report issues or to suggest changes.
The code in this repository provides an API to download, query and filter HIMAWARI-8 and HIMAWARI-9 satellite data.
Data download and query/filtering is available:

for local file systems and AWS S3.
for sensors AHI.

The folder tutorials provide the following jupyter notebooks, describing various features of HIMAWARI_API:

Downloading HIMAWARI data: download.ipynb
Find and filter HIMAWARI data: find_and_filter.ipynb
Read AHI and plot it with satpy: read_ahi_data.ipynb

Documentation is available at XXXXX
HIMAWARI-API can be installed via pip on Linux, Mac, and Windows.
On Windows you can install WinPython to get Python and pip running.
Then, install the HIMAWARI-API package by typing the following command in the command terminal:
pip install himawari_api

If you are using HIMAWARI-API, please cite:

Ghiggi Gionata. ghiggi/himawari_api. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7787923

If you want to cite a specific version, have a look at the Zenodo site.

Gionata Ghiggi

The content of this repository is released under the terms of the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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