Hsluv Restored 5.0.2.Post1 | Coderz Product

hsluv-restored 5.0.2.post1

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hsluvrestored 5.0.2.post1

A Python implementation of HSLuv (revision 4).
pip install hsluv

This library does not hide (clamp) floating point error, e.g. you might receive a value outside
of the expected range. If you wish to display the outputs of this library, consider rounding them
for your purpose. The floating point error has not been quantified, but at least 10 decimal digits
should be free of it.

hsluv_to_hex([hue, saturation, lightness])
hue is a float between 0 and 360, saturation and lightness are floats between 0 and 100. This
function returns the resulting color as a hex string.
hsluv_to_rgb([hue, saturation, lightness])
Like above, but returns a list of 3 floats between 0 and 1, for each RGB channel.
Takes a hex string and returns the HSLuv color as a list of floats as defined above.
rgb_to_hsluv([red, green, blue])
Like above, but red, green and blue are passed as floats between 0 and 1.
For HPLuv (the pastel variant), use hpluv_to_hex, hpluv_to_rgb, hex_to_hpluv and rgb_to_hpluv.
Run python setup.py test.

Robert McGinley (mcginleyr1)
Alexei Boronine (boronine)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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