Huscy.Attributes 1.0.1 | Coderz Product

huscy.attributes 1.0.1

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huscy.attributes 1.0.1


Huscy is a free open-source software solution for managing study participants in the context of human sciences.
The software is deliberately implemented in a generic manner to appeal to a wide user base, while considering all relevant aspects of data protection.
The strictly modular software architecture allows for easy integration of new requirements, enabling the software to be customized to individual needs at any time.

Python 3.8+
A supported version of Django

In this project the Django versions 4.2 and 5.0 are tested with tox.
To install husy.attributes simply run:
pip install huscy.subjects

Add required apps to INSTALLED_APPS in your



Additional apps may need to be added (e.g., django_countries and phonenumber_field) if you want to fully utilize the huscy.subjects app.
Hook the urls from this app into your global
urlpatterns = [
path('', include('huscy.attributes.urls')),

Create database tables by running:
python migrate

Install PostgreSQL and create a database user called huscy and a database called huscy.
sudo -u postgres createdb huscy
sudo -u postgres createuser -d huscy
sudo -u postgres psql -c "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE huscy TO huscy;"
sudo -u postgres psql -c "ALTER USER huscy WITH PASSWORD '123';"

Check out the repository and start your virtual environment (if necessary).
Install dependencies:
make install

Create database tables:
make migrate

Run tests to see if everything works fine:
make test


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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