Hybridvut 0.1.4 | Coderz Product

hybridvut 0.1.4

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hybridvut 0.1.4

This package provides functionalities to deal with hybrid IO-LCA based on the Make and Use framework.
Key features are:

hybridization of a foreground and a background system
unit handling using iam_units (pint units)
functions for data handling (e.g. region aggregation, RAS)
basic IO calculations (e.g. transaction and multiplier matrices)
preprocessing to bring raw data into the right format (i.e. message-ix data)

Additional hybridization procedures might be implemented in future work. Furthermore, functions can be also applied just to a single system.
hybridvut is registered at PyPI. You can install it in your pathon environmnet by:
pip install hybridvut

The source-code is available as a GitLab repository.
You can also fork and install it.
You can find a more detailed documentation here.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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