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i3switch 1.2.4
i3 script to switch between windows in history.
This script is inspired by i3-swap-focus.
It provides a configurable history length and supports consecutive switching within the history.
Besides, it can skip the closed windows, windows in scratchpad, or windows not in the current workspace.
pip install i3-switch
Add the following lines to your i3 config file:
# Start i3-switch process
exec i3-switch
bindsym $mod+Tab exec pkill -USR1 -F "/tmp/"
# Switch in the same workspaces
# bindsym $mod+Tab exec pkill -USR2 -F "/tmp/"
To change the options for i3-switch in your i3 config:
exec i3-switch --max-len 1000 --timeout 400
Consecutive Switching
When switching before it times out,
the history within the consecutive switch won't be recorded.
For example, at first the records are DCBA,
after switch twice consecutively,
it should become BDCA.
Internally, the process is as follows:
DCBA -> CDCBA -> BCDCBA -> BDCA (cleanup after timeout).
This process is necessary because the signal itself is stateless,
so the state is kept in the history.
Max length of the window deque
Timeout for consecutive switching in milliseconds
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