Id 1.4.0 | Coderz Product

id 1.4.0

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id 1.4.0


id is a Python tool for generating OIDC identities. It can automatically
detect and produce OIDC credentials on a number of environments, including
GitHub Actions, GitLab pipelines and Google Cloud.
id requires Python 3.8 or newer, and can be installed directly via pip:
python -m pip install id

You can run id as a Python module via python -m:
python -m id --help


usage: id [-h] [-V] [-v] [-d] audience

a tool for generating OIDC identities

positional arguments:
audience the OIDC audience to use

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-v, --verbose run with additional debug logging; supply multiple times to
increase verbosity (default: 0)
-d, --decode decode the OIDC token into JSON (default: False)

For Python API usage, there is a single importable function, detect_credential:
>>> from id import detect_credential
>>> detect_credential(audience='something')
'<OIDC token>'

This function requires an audience parameter, which is used when generating
the OIDC token. This should be set to the intended audience for the token.
If no supported environment is found, detect_credential returns None. If a supported
environment is found but detect_credential fails to retrieve a token, it raises
Supported environments
id currently supports ambient credential detection in the following environments:

GitHub Actions
Google Cloud

Cloud Run
Google Kubernetes Engine
Compute Engine
and more

GitLab (See environment variables below)

Tokens in environment variables
GitLab provides OIDC tokens through environment variables. The variable name must be
<AUD>_ID_TOKEN where <AUD> is the uppercased audience argument where all
characters outside of ASCII letters and digits are replaced with "_". A leading digit
must also be replaced with a "_".
id is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
See the contributing docs for details.
SLSA Provenance
This project emits a SLSA provenance on its release! This enables you to verify the integrity
of the downloaded artifacts and ensured that the binary's code really comes from this source code.
To do so, please follow the instructions here.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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