Image Watermark | Coderz Product


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image watermark

Image Watermark #
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Image watermark is flutter pacakge to add text watermark and image watermark on image,you can customize the position of watermark and color.
Based on Image pacakge.
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Example code #
Add watermark text at center of image,parameter image bytes and string and it returns image bytes
final watermarkedImg =
await ImageWatermark.addTextWatermark(
imgBytes: imgBytes,
watermarktext: 'watermarkText',
copied to clipboard
final watermarkedImgBytes =
await ImageWatermark.addTextWatermark(
imgBytes: imgBytes, ///image bytes
watermarktext: 'watermarkText', ///watermark text
color: Colors.white, ///default :
copied to clipboard
Change the position of watermark
final watermarkedImg =
await ImageWatermark.addTextWatermark(
imgBytes: imgBytes, ///image bytes
watermarktext: 'watermarkText', ///watermark text
dstX: 20, ///position of watermark x coordinate
dstY: 30, ///y coordinate
color:, ///default :
copied to clipboard
Add image as watermark on image
final watermarkedImgBytes =
await ImageWatermark.addImageWatermark(
originalImageBytes: imgBytes,
waterkmarkImageBytes: watermarkImgByte,
copied to clipboard
final watermarkedImgBytes =
await ImageWatermark.addImageWatermark(
originalImageBytes: imgBytes, //image bytes
waterkmarkImageBytes: imgBytes2, //watermark img bytes
imgHeight: 200, //watermark img height
imgWidth: 200, //watermark img width
dstY: 400, //watermark position Y
dstX: 400, //watermark position X
copied to clipboard
Add Fonts #
Image package only have arial Fonts, you can change the font converting a .ttf font in .fnt format:

Download your font in .ttf format.

Convert the font to .fnt format using the next site.

Use ImageFont class, readOtherFontZip if you use .zip file; readOtherFont if you unzip and get the .fnt & .png files.

Example to change fonts
Add the font in pubspec.yaml:
- path/to/
copied to clipboard
Then use it as follows:
final assetFont = await rootBundle.load('path/to/');

final font = assetFont.buffer.asUint8List(assetFont.offsetInBytes, assetFont.lengthInBytes);

final bitMapFont = ImageFont.readOtherFontZip(font);


await ImageWatermark.addTextWatermark(
imgBytes: imgBytes,
font: bitMapFont, /// Font from .zip
watermarkText: 'watermark text',
dstX: 20,
dstY: 40,
copied to clipboard
Screenshots #


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