Is First Run | Coderz Product


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is first run

is_first_run #
A simple package to check if it is the first time the app runs.
Internally it uses the shared_preferences plugin.
Getting Started #
To use this plugin, add is_first_run as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Usage #
Import is_first_run.dart:
import 'package:is_first_run/is_first_run.dart';
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To check if this is the first time the app is run:
bool firstRun = await IsFirstRun.isFirstRun();
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If it is the first call of this method since installing the app, the method will return true for as long as the app keeps running.After a restart of the app it returns false.
There is also a method that allows you to check if it is the first time you call it:
bool firstCall = await IsFirstRun.isFirstCall();
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Calling this function for the first time after installing the app returns true, after that every function call returns false.
You can reset the plugin by calling
await IsFirstRun.reset();
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After calling reset(), calling isFirstRun() will return true as long as the app is running. After a restart, it will return false again. The first call of isFirstCall() will return true, subsequent calls will return false again.
Example #
The example is a simple page showing you the result of the function IsFirstRun.isFirstRun(). A button allows you to call IsFirstRun.isFirstRun() again, the reset button calls IsFirstRun.reset().
Maintainers #

Julian Aßmann

Pull requests are always very welcome.


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