Jaraco.Windows 5.9.0 | Coderz Product

jaraco.windows 5.9.0

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jaraco.windows 5.9.0

A pure-python interface to Windows
APIs using ctypes. This package is not designed to be exhaustive, but
rather to supply interfaces as they are needed by the contributors.

Package Contents
jaraco.windows contains several modules for different purposes. For now,
read the source. Eventually, I hope to put high-level descriptions of the modules

You should install this module the normal way using pip.
If you want to monkeypatch the os module to include symlink compatibility, you
should add the following to your usercustomize or sitecustomize module:

import jaraco.windows.filesystem as fs; fs.patch_os_module()

Thereafter, you should be able to use os.symlink and os.readlink in Windows
Vista and later using the same interface as on Unix.
Note that jaraco.windows.filesystem.symlink takes an additional optional
parameter target_is_directory, which must be specified if the target is not
present and is expected to be a directory once present.

If jaraco.windows doesn’t supply the interface you require for your
application, consider creating the interface and providing a pull request
to the project.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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