Javaproperties Cli 0.8.0 | Coderz Product

javaproperties-cli 0.8.0

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javapropertiescli 0.8.0

| PyPI
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javaproperties-cli is a wrapper around the javaproperties package (from
which it was split off) that provides programs for basic command-line
manipulation of .properties files, including getting, setting, & deleting
values and converting to & from JSON.

javaproperties-cli requires Python 3.6 or higher. Just use pip for Python 3 (You have pip, right?) to install
javaproperties-cli and its dependencies:
python3 -m pip install javaproperties-cli

javaproperties get <file> <key> ...
Output the values of the given keys in the given .properties file
javaproperties select <file> <key> ...
Output the key-value pairs for the given keys in the given .properties file
javaproperties set <file> <key> <value>
Set <key> in <file> to <value> and output the result
javaproperties delete <file> <key> ...
Output the given .properties file with the given keys deleted
javaproperties format [<file>]
Reformat the given .properties file, removing comments & extraneous
whitespace and putting keys in sorted order
json2properties [<infile> [<outfile>]]
Convert a JSON object to a .properties file
properties2json [<infile> [<outfile>]]
Convert a .properties file to a JSON object


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