Jellyfish Chat 0.0.3 | Coderz Product

jellyfish-chat 0.0.3

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jellyfishchat 0.0.3


Set env variables for chat service
Run python on your server. Chat will be available on endpoint ws://host:port/chat

As soon as you start server there will be connection to redis.
Using chat's endpoint user subscribes to queue, receiving data from it.
Queue's message must be like:
{"sender_id": 1, "reciever_ids": [2, 3, 4]}, "message": {"id": 111}}

sender_id - required (all messages have sender)
reciever_ids - non-required, can be empty list or this field can even not exist
message - non-required, object that will be sent to users

Env variables

CHAT_HOST - host for running uvicorn application
CHAT_PORT - post for running uvicorn application
CHAT_WORKERS - number of workers for uvicorn application
CHAT_BROKER_HOST - host for redis to subscribe to the queue
CHAT_BROKER_PORT - port for redis to subscribe to the queue
CHAT_BROKER_DB - db for redis to subscribe to the queue
CHAT_CHANNEL_NAME - queue's name to subscribe to
CHAT_DJANGO_BASE_URL - base url of django's application
CHAT_DJANGO_GET_USER_URL - django's endpoint to get current user's information
CHAT_DJANGO_TOKEN_TYPE - jwt token's start
CHAT_DJANGO_USER_RESPONSE_ID_FIELD - field for getting user's id after request to CHAT_DJANGO_GET_USER_URL

written using python 3.9.6


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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