Jiraprinter 0.0.1 | Coderz Product

jiraprinter 0.0.1

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jiraprinter 0.0.1

Jira does not provide a nice printable layout for tickets and nicer
printing options are costly. This script just wraps the jira-api to
allow formatting using jinja2 templates. This way, tickets can easily be
formatted in a printer friendly way.

Getting started
The jiraprinter works on python3 only.
Jiraprinter is on pypi, so you can simply run
pip install jiraprinter
To install it. This will also create the two commands jira.py and
prepare_token used below.
You can run the command line tool by calling
$ jira.py export <Ticket-Id> [<Ticket-Id> ...]
Here, angle brackets (<>) denote variable parameters and square
brackets ([]) denote optional parameters. This is similar to unix
man pages. You can start the web-interface for selecting tickets and
printing them by calling
$ jira.py select
The web-interface will then be available at localhost:8080.

Setting your credentials
It is recommended that you put the URL of your jira server as well as
your credentials into separate environment variables. Your user
credentials need to be passed in base 64 encoding, which can be done
using the prepare_token.py script:
$ prepare_token.py
Please enter your jira user name: myname
Please enter your jira password:
That last name is your jira credentials in base 64 encoding. It is
recommended that you set your jira credentials and the url of the server
in your bashrc (if you use bash). To do so, add the following lines to
your ~/.bashrc file.
export JIRAURL=https://jira.mycompany/rest/api/2
export JIRACREDENTIALS=fowkeofoakjdfolai
Obviously, both the URL and the credentials are completely made up.

Authentication error
Error messages are typically rather long and complex. If you see a 401
status code somewhere at the end of the stacktrace, that means that
you’re not correctly authenticated. In that case, you might want to
check your user name and password.

Test status on current master:


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